Example sentences of "the [noun] [pers pn] [vb base] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs er has er actually said that we should be getting some more money and then she spoilt it by saying we should be using the money we have n't got more er better use it and er maybe knocking the traffic li er islands out will save us a problem cos we 'll get a few kids knocked down and we wo n't have to bother with em .
2 Think of all the times I have n't come across my next-door neighbours on holiday in Innsbruck , or met my dentist while eating a cream meringue … more coffee ? ’
3 Mm well that 's one of the reasons I have n't involved
4 The conventional image , still current in some quarters , of the rehoused poor ‘ putting coal in the bath ’ is very sour in St Ann 's , because for all too many people it might be nice to have the option of putting the coal they ca n't afford in the baths they have n't got .
5 because th on the telly they have n't got those .
6 exactly , so if it still happens in the future we have n't moved full forward have we ?
7 I 'm always sitting thinking if I had n't got them , I 'd be thinking now was it on the card I have n't got you know
8 Oh no , then it goes to the rehearsals , that 's the bit of the script I have n't done .
9 At the moment we have n't got an England side to fit his needs .
10 We do n't want pe I mean we do n't want sales reps agreeing to allocations I mean at the moment we have n't got anybody to administer them it 's being done by groups it 's going to be a nightmare in a big way
11 But at the moment we have n't got any money so we ca n't do that .
12 I would n't let is pass without thanking you which is the reason for this note because at the moment I have n't got that much spare time on my hands to thank you in person .
13 I suppose you get used to it , but at the moment I have n't got to do it .
14 Lovely , now me , I 'm an ex-M A T S A member , I 'm in the security industry , at the moment I have n't got a section , so what am I a Bosnian , a Serbian or a Croatian I do n't know .
15 I mean perhaps the point I have n't brought out , which was another enormous effect from the mixed ability teaching , or the mixed ability grouping , was the improvement in the pupils erm behaviour .
16 Perhaps the point I have n't brought out , which was another enormous effect from the mixed ability teaching , or the mixed ability grouping , was the improvement in the pupils ' behaviour .
17 ‘ How do you like Englishmen ? ’ — ‘ To tell the truth I have n't tried one yet , ’ replied Bardot .
18 To tell you the truth I have n't thought that far ahead . ’
19 A C theory sucks some of the questions You have n't done any mag magnetic stuff ha have you ?
20 If at the end of three months you decide that this is too elaborate for you or you 'd like to , if you need to see a week at a glance , er , you just call my office , send back the pages you have n't used , and we would exchange those er , for the equivalent in a different format .
21 Erm and also there are in the top I have n't got a ladder , I ca n't show you now , some of the numbering cos they numbered the bays in in roman letters , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven .
22 No , no it would just bring it up to date , the stuff we have n't accrued .
23 I packed it in I thought what 's the use I have n't got enough confidence
24 You did the phoning I have n't got a clue .
25 It says in the paper they have n't identified her yet . ’
26 There 's only Mary and the sisters you have n't seen for ten years , if you can count them .
27 Everybody says that 's what 's going to happen , but erm when it 's been done in the past I 've not had any figures produced that indicate that the service provision has had to fall off because of increased charges .
28 Well , what we did was we what we did was we erm found the alarm system to try and calculate some reasonable output rates erm but what we found was the output rates seemed incredibly low using based on the completion that they have got So what we was we erm took the nine week 's work that they 'd done and erm plus they 'd obviously based our output rates on that erm just for a little example , using the allowances we have n't got whereas actually we 'd been calculating it on what they had n't worked so , that was basically what we So moving on to the actual short-term programme
29 Yeah that 's the thing they have n't got time , yeah .
30 It 's four from the letter I have n't reduced anything yet .
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