Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun pl] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 It is true the funding arrangements at the time of the research did not allow for holiday pay , sick pay , and so on .
2 This was the actuality of the pretty designs so liberally provided by the cottage enthusiasts of the time .
3 We thanked the WO officials for the time and trouble they had taken to discuss all these issues with us .
4 Christian is Bunyan himself , leaving his wife and children , as he had done when he went to prison , to undertake the pilgrimage to everlasting life : the imagery is taken not only from the Bible but from the chapbooks and folktales which were sold by travelling hawkers in the Bedfordshire villages at the time .
5 The picture would not be complete without some idea of the mining costs of the time .
6 That suited her at the time , it suited the law courts at the time who were the the adjudicators in the case .
7 Nevertheless , that Wilfrid enjoyed good relations with Aethelwealh is confirmed by Bede who records the king 's gift to him of 87 hides of land for a monastery at Selsey ( HE IV , 13 ) , the site of the bishopric subsequently established among the south Saxons in the time of Daniel , bishop of Winchester ( HE V , 18 ) .
8 This is the ‘ Harvest Festival ’ scene , which was apparently found pretty banal by the Dresden critics at the time of the première .
9 In the weeks following her arrest Jacqueline Droully was seen by other prisoners in secret detention centres run by the Directorate of National Intelligence ( DINA ) , the security police at the time .
10 The Celts were pressing on the Macedonian frontiers at the time of Philip 11 and of Alexander the Great .
11 The Homecover policy holder is responsible for payment of all the repair charges at the time of completion of the repairs .
12 The leader and deputy leader of the party shall be elected or re-elected from amongst the Commons members of the Parliamentary Labour Party at the party conference … and with the provision as may be set out in the standing orders for the time being in force .
13 According to the Sunday papers of the time there was a ‘ twilight world ’ somewhere where gay vicars and school teachers and scout masters ‘ assaulted ’ their youthful charges .
14 It may be poetic irony , but I was attending a convention in Hong Kong and working resolutely for the cigarette manufacturers at the time of my infarct .
15 We were also glad to report that the lease holders at the time found that it was n't profitable and relinquished their rights .
16 ‘ Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding article , the judicial or administrative authority of the requested state is not bound to order the return of the child if the person , institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that — ( a ) the person , institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention , or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention ; or ( b ) there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation . …
17 It was the ideas behind this design that so interested not only the audience but also the music critics of the time ( see page 41 ) .
18 A clear case of general myopia in the cricket legislators of the time .
19 From the evidence of the biographical sources , this would appear to be a nearly complete list of the mevleviyet kadiliks of the time ; the only surprising omission is the kadilik of Mecca , which seems to have been a mevleviyet for some years before 963 .
20 On release , the single went to Number Three in the US charts of the time , after which Mamie logged another seven Top Ten hits .
21 Women 's social identity was assumed by the recording authorities at the time , and still is in most historical and sociological analysis , to depend on that of their fathers and husbands .
22 In 1920 Meccano Ltd. produced the first Hornby model trains , replicas of British trains with authentic colours and lettering used by the railway companies of the time .
23 It was not a fun place any more and doors were already slamming shut to the hundreds of young hopefuls hanging around outside the studio gates about the time when Nicholson began his search for work .
24 The duty of determining such questions is cast by law , not upon the courts after the event , but upon the police authorities at the time when the decision has to be taken ; and a court which attempted to review such a decision from the point of view of its wisdom or prudence would ( I think ) be exceeding its proper functions .
25 The effect of the risk factors on the time to healing was cumulative : patients with one , two , and three or more risk factors needed progressively longer courses of treatment to achieve ulcer healing ( Fig 3 ) .
26 ‘ It was a hysterical scene — unless you happened to be in the housing offices at the time . ’
27 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
28 The Leger Gallery was founded in 1892 by Joseph Leger , whose activities were ‘ modest as a dealer in the period up to the end of the Great War and typical of an age in which there were few private clients and virtually no museum purchases ’ astonishing in view of the purchasing possibilities at the time .
29 One of the graduate trainees at the time I was there was Alan Williams , son of Emlyn and to become himself a bestselling author .
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