Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Cindy 's half-hour of fashion chit-chat on MTV , titled House Of Style , features the covergirl with an assortment of gal pals — Sandra Bernhard , Naomi , Linda et al .
2 The issue of child abuse , or child protection as it is often now described ( Parton and Parton , 1989 ) , perhaps more than any other area of child care policy and practice has brought the activities of a variety of health and welfare professionals into considerable public , political and media focus in recent years .
3 Unfortunately many editors feel that this kind of creativity is absent from the activities of a number of PROs .
4 The intention of the Loyal Standard was overtly to co-ordinate the activities of a number of seamen 's organisations , established about the north-east coast with almost identical rules , and to administer a superannuation fund on the one hand and payments on shipwreck , sickness and death on the other .
5 She first made an impression in an adaptation of J. B. Priestley 's rambling tale about a group of travelling performers , The Good Companions ( 1933 ) , and followed that with Friday the Thirteenth ( 1933 ) , which recounts the activities of a group of characters immediately before the crash of the bus in which they are riding .
6 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the appropriate means of achieving fairness to an accused with regard to disclosure to the defence of material in the prosecution 's possession was a matter to be determined by the particular legislature , executive and judiciary concerned ; that although the Jamaican practice , particularly in relation to inconsistent previous statements , would normally be an acceptable means of achieving such fairness it did not extend to every situation in which fairness required the prosecution to make material available to the defence ; that where the prosecution intended a witness 's evidence to be based on his statement to the police and to deviate significantly from his deposition , the prosecution was under a duty to supply the defence with a copy of the statement before the trial ; and that , therefore , since the deceased 's husband and sister had given evidence inconsistent with their statements , and important testimony had been adduced from them which had not been foreshadowed in their depositions , the failure to disclose their statements to the defence constituted a material irregularity ( post , pp. 161H — 162A , B , B–C , 165C–E ) .
7 The accused , if committed , is given copies of the depositions , but is not provided with copies of the statements taken by the police except when the Crown intends to call a witness who did not give evidence at the preliminary inquiry , in which case the Crown will serve the defence with a notice of intention and a copy of the witness 's statement .
8 Mahomed had appeared for the defence in a number of political trials , became the first black Senior Counsel in 1974 , and had since become president of the Lesotho Court of Appeal , a member of Swaziland 's Court of Appeal , and a member of the Supreme Court in Namibia , whose Constitution he helped to draft .
9 When Beveridge addressed the different primary causes of need he distinguished what he saw as the ‘ problem ’ of age from the needs created by disability : the former being concerned with retirement from work as a result of age and the latter concerning the inability of a person of working age to work as a result of illness or accident .
10 In spite of the collapse of King Alphonso XIII 's monarchy in 1931 , the millions of Spaniards whose sympathies were Republican and the horrors of the Civil War engendered by the inability of a group of soldiers to accept those two realities , General Franco had decided that the " ultimate definition " of the Spanish state over which he presided would thenceforth be " kingdom " .
11 Increase in annual temperature range on the continents as a consequence of regression of epicontinental seas might well have played a significant role in the mass extinctions of large reptiles at the end of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic .
12 The parking bays were crowded with cars and he drove slowly along the main aisle , while Doyle leaned out of his window , scanning the shadowy depths of the park for a glimpse of their target .
13 When one of my teenagers spent a month huddled in the park with a crowd of deadpan Gothic posers , I radiated white-hot hostility .
14 I have n't been out to the park in a couple of months and that visit was strictly business .
15 Would the addition of a pair of Lamprologus leleupi impair the breeding of the brichardi ?
16 There is nothing in the Children Act 1989 which provides for the court to tack any direction on to a care order and I have to say that , in my judgment , the addition of a direction of any sort to a care order is a fetter on the local authority plans , authority and responsibility .
17 Second , the hierarchy of residential roads has been deepened by the addition of a series of new classifications at the low-volume end as Figure 7.2 shows .
18 It was always envisaged that the House of Lords would use the freedom to depart from its own previous decisions sparingly , but in the years following the Practice Statement the potential impact of the new freedom was narrowed by the addition of a series of riders .
19 Er with the addition of a lot of of members of the public who sympathized and knew what was happening .
20 DNase I digestion patterns of actinomycin- tyr T DNA complexes at various times after the addition of an excess of calf thymus DNA .
21 I was not only able to review social security , I had the opportunity as a politician of implementing the changes — always provided I could get the support of my colleagues , of course , and that was not going to be easy .
22 Sadly we 've lost the opportunity with a couple of groups , but there are still other group left in the fight , this union has the ideal opportunity to spearhead that fight and I ask Conference to support the motion .
23 The election of a new President offered the opportunity for a review of American policy in South-East Asia .
24 Thus the reader of a ‘ good ’ book has the opportunity for a quality of understanding shared with the viewer of a particularly sensitive theatre or television play , or a cinema film .
25 at least some latitude , within the system , for personal judgement about individual special circumstances — we were for example impressed by what Debenhams told us about their practice of offering all applicants who were refused credit the opportunity of a review of their proposal by a senior manager , ;
26 The forms of a number of applicants who have chosen only one single field are temporarily delayed while their choice of a second single field is ascertained .
27 Butler thus agrees with BRS to the extent that both cases see the battle of the forms as an exchange of counter-offers , which can only result in a contract when one side makes an unconditional acceptance , either intentionally , or in error .
28 Wage rates were consistently low ; these , associated with the devastating consequences of endemic casualism , plunged the majority into a life of want and destitution .
29 This has forced us to look afresh at the regular London days and , with the prompting of a number of the most regular attenders , we have decided to drop the June day , which in recent years has had a low attendance .
30 The steam cylinder is 12 inches in diameter , has a stroke of 18 inches and would provide up to 20 horse power with steam from the boiler at a pressure of about 80 pounds per square inch .
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