Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cos their shovel was different to ours , but that were n't any good to us cos that was er , cos what they used to trim grain with , now a grain shovel was made of tin and cos our shovels what they used to feed the boiler with were all steel shovels .
2 The Midland Bank , as the major sponsor , is paying £20,000 for the privilege of being two corners in the game , and having its name and logo on all the notes used in the game .
3 Cash 's considered the houses to be ideal homes at a time when textile workers were suffering hardships everywhere , and machine-breaking had been widespread in the Midlands and the North .
4 Fifty years later an administrative officer found the Masai to be perfect hosts : ‘ they do respect your privacy ; men of other tribes rather fuss round you , always sure there is something they have omitted to do as hosts , thus making a nuisance of themselves — but the Masai leave you alone ’ .
5 Ironically , he made the accusation in 1931 shortly before he himself exercised ‘ power without responsibility ’ as the dominant figure in Ramsay MacDonald 's National Coalition government , controlling MacDonald 's government without bearing the responsibility of being Prime Minister .
6 And I say that because in one three , for example , he does n't make any reference to the need for the settlement to be free standing as avoid coalescence .
7 Nursing time was estimated by the sister to be one hour and this allows for preparation , performance of the test , and cleaning up .
8 On April 22 Rauf Denktash obtained 67.5 per cent of the vote to be re-elected President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ( TRNC , recognised only by Turkey ) , with relatively few voting for candidates of opposition parties which wanted to offer more concessions to the Greek Cypriots .
9 The essence of is copper alloy , it 's got more than fifty percent copper in it .
10 Where the issue to be determined falls into one of the categories discussed in Chapters 2 – 7 , a precedent can be found .
11 I do n't know what you call the boss to be right drag point for
12 Some countries like Malaysia have , however , managed to hang on to the advantages of being early recipients of such investments by virtue of their installed base of experienced workers who could help attract later entrants .
13 In effect , we will complete each theory by articulating both their criterion of responsibility and their test for the limits of obligations , so that they may face each other as fully prepared contestants for the honour of being liberal theories of contract law .
14 I am not a National Delegate , but IAOPA , who have some hundreds of thousands of members , is entitled to send a consultant to the meetings , and I have the honour to be that representative .
15 Berg 's Wozzeck is one forerunner , but Britten and Mrs Piper deserve the accolade of being unconscious innovators .
16 IRISH politicians are convinced that Scotland will win the battle to be European base for the American-owned Digital computer company .
17 The Joint Land Requirements Committee carried out an interesting public survey which showed that very few people ( 8 per cent ) have even a broadly correct impression of the actual proportion , and a third perceived the proportion to be ten times greater than it is .
18 We fall into the trap of being efficient technicians of life , starved of the personal dimension of being ‘ mercy-full ’ .
19 These postulates seem to the author to be self-evident propositions .
21 One could never tell , with these town-dwelling millionaires who were smitten with the desire to be landed gentry .
22 The post to be twenty-six point oh five billion which will be distributed to Local Authorities on the basis of standard spending assessments .
23 So if they ca n't audit , sell financial services or charge higher rates than other accountants , what is the point of being chartered accountants ?
24 Disabled people have the capacity and the right to be productive contributors to society but are often perceived as passive recipients of services .
25 If the planning permission does not specify a time , the Act provides for the period to be five years , or two years after the approval of all reserve matters for the start of development and three years for the application for approval of all reserve matters .
26 In a few specimens this papillae may be partially divided giving the appearance of being two papillae .
27 The upper surface is olive green , while the lower surface is pale to purplish green , and the entire leaf gives the appearance of being brownish green .
28 How you gon na deal with people who are , we get this side of the group to be aggressive people passive side , we 'll give the right hand side of the group as I 'm standing look at the passive people .
29 Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire is the place to be this weekend to see the world 's best three day eventers in the Audi International Horse Trials .
30 The Ulster Folk Museum at Cultra is the place to be this weekend — or any time this month — if you 're in love , happily married or about to be so .
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