Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun sg] that have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm looking forward to the final official opening of the Tunnel , and I 'm delighted to have been part of the support structure that has made it possible .
2 The pastry crust that had topped the pie during its parade through the village was not eaten for hygienic reasons , so 50,000 squares of puff pastry had been baked separately and these were reheated — not too successfully — in a mobile oven in the huge open-sided marquee into which the pie , on its trailer , eventually came to rest .
3 It is this emphasis on controlling the money supply that has led to the title ‘ monetarist ’ .
4 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
5 What we 're doing is showing them the colour of light , the hydrogen spectrum that 's given off and asking them to make some measurements on it which give a clue to the nature of what is happening in hydrogen .
6 Perhaps it is the extraordinary popularity of The Color Purple that has led some critics to accuse it of being an uncontentious , sentimental and harmless piece of libertarianism , a family homily that is not just optimistic but eventually even utopian .
7 SIR — In all the election brouhaha that has commanded so much unenthusiastic attention this year , a fundamental change in the way composers are paid when their works are performed in public has been strangely neglected .
8 The miss rule that has dogged the game all season struck again in the third .
9 It was on the market and it was a grand gesture by the owner — one that was much appreciated by the parents of the nine children , and by the Action Committee that had come together so promptly to support them .
10 The enemy picquet that had ambushed the French vanguard was hurrying to the shelter of the wood , but some of them had left their retreat too late and the Dragoons caught them .
11 The labour shortage that has resulted is further exacerbated by the traditional labour-intensive methods of Soviet industry and the tendency for enterprise managers to hoard labour .
12 Ten weeks later , the ambulance team that had driven Elinor from the Nice hospital carried her into the château and up to her bedroom .
13 But it took more , surely , than fourteen years of moderate peace to erase the fighting instinct that had served a race through two hundred years and more of Viking attacks , through the civil onslaughts that led to the fusion of Pict and Scot , of Scandinavian and Gael ; the wars of royal cousin against royal cousin as the descendants of Kenneth MacAlpin fought for the throne .
14 I , I 'm a general practitioner and I would like to back up initially what the convenor has said about the study pack that has come on child abuse but I have a question .
15 It was her taking the sleeping pill that had done it .
16 In tiny flats and bedsitters it 's more often the living room that has to make space for dining , in which case it 's a good idea to separate the two functions with either a physical division — like an arch , trellis or shelving — or with visual treatment like different lighting or flooring , or perhaps a change of colour or mood created by wall coverings and soft furnishings .
17 She was tempted to use the weather as an excuse to postpone her visit to J. Pringle & Sons , but the work ethic that had carried her successfully through so many years of study and so many examinations now exerted its leverage on her conscience once more .
18 The voices were , in one sense , the price paid for the saeva indignatio that had fired his greatest fiction .
19 Plus : Dyed in the wool … the textile mill that 's gone up for sale
20 Just as I had fired up the cooker the cat rod that had caused me all the grief earlier was off again .
21 Examples from the August bulletin include a growing North Staffordshire company involved in decorating and printing bone chinaware , earthenware , glassware and so on , which is seeking £30,000 for expansion , and a company based in the south west that has launched a range of power cables and requires £75,000 .
22 The watering hole that 's got them foaming at the mouth .
23 This mind — brain analogy will not be used here , in part because the shifting of the hardware/software boundary that has resulted from the construction of new machines has made it less attractive .
24 The charter is part of a continuing modernisation of the distribution division that has included the reorganisation of the previous five administration regions into four .
25 Hope nodded but it was the business scheme that had caught his imagination .
26 They could be joint bottom tomorrow if things go wrong and I know all about the Forest jinx that has haunted them in recent years .
27 Here he describes the war fever that has gripped his country and lays the blame on the intellectuals
28 Should audits be expected to detect every fraud ? ’ that we will have any chance of dealing with the expectations gap that has surrounded the audit .
29 At the end of that period , in May 1943 , Hugh Wilson , who was in charge of the Rangoon diocese , Bishop West being in the USA recovering from a severe motor accident , agreed that we should move to Simla so that I might maintain liaison with the Burma Government-in-exile that had made its headquarters there .
30 ‘ We believe that the British Government must do more to oppose the job discrimination that has created unemployment levels two and a half times higher for Catholic workers than Protestant workers .
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