Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun] be an " in BNC.

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1 The reduction of fever is an early sign of improvement in tuberculosis .
2 The Prince of Wales is an irrepressible font of ideas , a classic entrepreneur .
3 The Prince of Wales is an expert at getting on to the person 's own level .
4 In previous long term trials with glycaemic control intervention the change in microalbuminuria was an accurate reflection of the change in glomerular filtration rate .
5 The efficacy with which Bush could authorize the use of force against Iraq without the support of Congress was an area of uncertainty — arising from the disputed constitutionality of the 1973 War Powers Act — which stalked the Bush administration in the run-up to the Jan. 15 deadline .
6 The case of dance is an obvious example .
7 The case of leisure is an example of the general issue of ‘ observability ’ which we have discussed at a number of points in these Lectures .
8 Indeed the decision in Malone is an indication of the extent to which the British courts are willing to tolerate major invasions of civil liberties without any express authority vested in state agents .
9 The contrast with Germany is an uncomfortable one .
10 The rules on limitation are an entirely different matter .
11 Knowledge of the skills of literacy is an important step towards taking control of one 's own life .
12 The cracking of nuts is an ideal task for such a time , particularly for the more technically minded .
13 Although there are no controlled trials of CABG in cardiac arrest survivors , in at least one uncontrolled study the presence of CABG was an independent predictor of long-term survival .
14 The Faculty of Law in the University of Edinburgh is an ideal place to pursue the postgraduate study of law .
15 While the rearrangement of sections is an improvement one feels that the best order has not yet been found .
16 The story of Judas is an excellent example of how traditions developed in the period of the early Church .
17 However , the map of unemployment in the mid-'60s looked very like the map of government-assisted areas ; and indeed the level of unemployment was an important element in the designation of assisted areas .
18 The NAO also said : ’ The assessment of intangibles is an inexact science and we are sure the Ministry will look closely at these aspects . ’
19 The future of Novell is an oft-discussed issue because of Ray Noorda 's age — he is in his late 60s .
20 The initial public response to the outbreak of war was an upsurge of patriotic fervour , at any rate among the middle and upper classes : the Kadet leadership in the Duma called for a political truce and national unity against the common enemy .
21 ‘ We do know that someone in Bucharest told them that the monastery at Putna was an absolute must .
22 Most people feel there must be other principles at work to explain high level functions , and the plasticity of neurons is an obvious place to look .
23 The drawing of inferences is an essential part of discourse interpretation because very often essential information is implied rather than being made explicit .
24 Corresponding to the dramatic acceleration in the stock of money was an equally dramatic acceleration in the rate of inflation .
25 The mythical story of Cassandra functions as an allegory for the fate of alternative forms of language use ; truthful but ‘ unheeded and unhinged ’ ( 12,144 ) , the figure of Cassandra is an example of the extreme to which women 's frustration at not being heard can push them .
26 Adding to the mix of charges is an affidavit from a psychotherapist , Amy Stromson , who also treated Lozano .
27 The musée at Villeneuve is an appropriate setting for an exhibition on Laurens in that it is the permanent home of the Dutilleul-Masurel collection , donated by Jean Masurel in 1979 and containing works by Braque , Picasso and Laurens , Leger , Modigliani , Derain , Miró , Klee and others .
28 The experience of coming from the north-east of England is an important influence on my views on the issue with which we are dealing this morning .
29 I understand that his preliminary conclusion is that independence does exist in fact , but that the perception of independence is an issue .
30 The final sentence of this book aptly summarises its core message : ‘ The practice of groupwork is an exercise in the co-operative discovery and use of resources for the mutual benefit of all group members . ’
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