Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] he is not " in BNC.

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1 It is never the case that a writer creates a hypocrite without giving us some clue , however subtle , to his dissimulation ; and it is seldom the case that he is not exposed within the bounds of the artwork .
2 This is indeed the case here , where the support of the infinitive is made explicit by the pronoun I. The fact that I is the subject of the verb want automatically situates it in time before the event go : the first person is involved in the actualization phase of want in the present but he is not yet represented as involved in going .
3 According to his solicitor at the time Nicholas was ‘ bitterly disappointed with the verdict because he is not a violent man . ’
4 In fact , at common law , it is better for the seller if he is not fixed with actual knowledge of such contracts , since he is then more likely to escape liability for consequential loss suffered by the buyer if the seller 's default prevents the buyer from fulfilling his obligations under those contracts .
5 If he does cause a byelection , he will face the charge that he is not prepared to play by the rules laid down by the party conference .
6 He will use the Welsh Tory conference in Llangollen to dismiss the charge that he is not up to being Prime Minister .
7 Apart from anything else , that 'll ensure the court that he is not tempted to be involved in any similar incident in the future with is girlfriend .
8 ‘ Dr. Briant wishes me to make clear at the outset that he is not entirely happy that this matter should have become a subject of public discussion .
9 Police said they had not yet been able to identify the man but he is not believed to be local .
10 At first , the father 's contribution ( and we are here making the assumption that he is not the principal parent ) does not have a differential impact on boys and on girls .
11 The suggestion that he is not supporting her while she is receiving benefit can not therefore be taken as positive evidence that their relationship is not comparable to that of husband and wife .
12 Such maladaptive assumptions are a feature of depression itself , of course , and may not be present in the individual when he is not depressed .
13 ( b ) Money paid to a person in a public or quasi-public position to obtain the performance by him of a duty which he is bound to perform for nothing or for less than the sum demanded by him is recoverable to the extent that he is not entitled to it .
14 The King 's mother said , ‘ You think you can persuade the lion that he is not hungry ? ’
15 His solicitor quickly gave notice of an appeal on the grounds that he is not mentally ill , a process that could take months to complete .
16 Regan makes no secret of the fact that he is not merely indulging in theoretical philosophy .
17 He must acknowledge the fact that he is not an isolated , self-sufficient being , but is dependent on others .
18 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
19 Here , Dustin generates a little warmth , but not much passion or conviction , and his celebrated off-and-on smile gives the impression that he is not exactly sure what to do with his mouth .
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