Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] [adv] [to-vb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 If a contract is cost reimbursable the engineer usually has the power to direct the work and thus to influence its cost directly .
2 The advance man knows the way to get VIPs in and out of the hall and how to manage their entrances and exits to the best effect .
3 Each of these is asked to be part of the community and yet to develop her own specialization .
4 However in seeking to prove the existence of ‘ authority ’ for such an idea , care should be taken not to dilute the concept and hence to reduce its utility .
5 Under the new captaincy of Ken Mentle , the club decided not to go all out for the title but simply to consolidate their Premier Division status .
6 At the Redoubt Mr Major told the 2,400 troops including those from the Cheshire Regiment and Royal Engineers : ‘ I wanted to see what was happening on the ground and particularly to express my thanks to you for the work you are doing .
7 At the Redoubt Mr Major told troops including those from the Cheshire Regiment and Royal Engineers : ‘ I wanted to see what was happening on the ground and particularly to express my thanks to you for the work you are doing .
8 He claimed that his intention was not to bring down the government but merely to remind his brother of his election pledge to root out official corruption .
9 There was much subsequent controversy about who invented the word and how to spell its derivatives .
10 People are intimately involved in the situation which they are endeavouring to analyse so they are well placed to assess the accuracy and relevance of the information and also to interpret its significance .
11 I think many golfers could improve simply by taking a little more time to survey the situation and then to adjust your game accordingly .
12 Also , at the 1982 Annual General Meeting the members rejected with increasing self-assertiveness the demand for increased subscriptions — perhaps less because of the cost but more to demonstrate their new confidence .
13 The last four lines of Kubla Khan are a dazzling testament to the power of the poet to address the most fundamental and intangible aspects of our lives , to retrieve the most powerful secrets of our existence from the depths of the subconscious and ultimately to convey their force and meaning to those willing to receive them .
14 Well , in the old days , those used to be made from twigs , and even longer ago people used to use brooms like that to sweep the streets and even to sweep their houses .
15 The point was that the plaintiffs ' interest in Jarrad exceeded their interest in Jesner , and they contended that the object of Jarrad had been to provide money for the family and not to have its assets syphoned off to prop up Jesner .
16 There are innumerable guides to public speaking that offer advice not only on preparing the material but how to make your voice resonant , ways to use your eyes in order to hold your audience , microphone techniques , and so on .
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