Example sentences of "the [noun] [pron] be [be] given " in BNC.

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1 Although there can never be any guarantees , it is frequently the case that older children enjoy working with younger ones , enjoy the responsibility they are being given , and behave much better than they do when they are working on their own .
2 To justify this and Stalin presents it as a revolutionary me measure , as a shift to the left , as the creation of socialism , to justify it er Stalin presents the argument that the whole world is moving forward to a new stage on the road to socialism , it 's all a lot of nonsense but the ideological needs of the regime in Russia are determining the advice which is being given to er various communist parties .
3 And they may be torn three ways , between the practical direction they are getting in the school , the advice they are being given in college and by their teaching practice tutor , and their own developing sense of the kind of teacher they would or would not like to become .
4 The action took her by surprise , and at first she told herself to remain calm and to take the kiss in the spirit it was being given , which was merely a making up between friends after cross words .
5 In the middle of all this there was a small team of British , a number of whom were regulars , who found the task they were being given something they had neither expected , nor been trained for .
6 Yeah I 'm not I 'm not disputing that , all I 'm saying is the question is , whether we 're using the monies we 're being given to fund it in the right way .
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