Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The effect of the provisions is to deem the income to be that of the settlor , usually for all the purposes of income tax but sometimes only for the purposes of the higher rate of tax .
2 Students from all years in Industrial Technology have now had the opportunity to be involved in this kind of interactive evaluation .
3 The Parish Council would welcome the opportunity to be involved in the discussions on the future of the site .
4 It was early afternoon of the following day before Karelius found the opportunity to be alone with her .
5 ‘ It 's true that I had the opportunity to be alone in the office , and we both know that I was angry and said a lot of things in the heat of the moment … but would I really be this vindictive ? ’
6 Drawing on your reserve of quiet self-confidence , you may change this painful situation of total frustration into being an interested observer , leaving all you can , using the opportunity to be aware of people and their reactions to each other , using the practice material there in front of your nose and being content to wait until you have decided if you wish to participate and have considered how to create the opportunity .
7 Therefore , I regret Labour 's stated intention of abolishing all museums charges , because that would remove from museums the opportunity to be flexible about staying open later , to improve services and generally to meet the added requirements of the public .
8 Milk quotas which deny Britain the opportunity to be self-sufficient in milk and dairy products are also a hindrance , as are FEOGA grants which accelerate the progress towards overcapacity .
9 A certain amount of welding to make good the outer shell has to be carried out and then of course we only need 218 small tubes and six large flue tubes to allow the boiler to be ready for hydraulic testing .
10 We think we can operate by analogy with Art ( Reg ) 93 of Table A to the CA 1985 , which allows written resolutions of the board to be effective without a meeting .
11 ( 11 ) A member to whom a notice under this rule is given may appeal against that notice to the Appeal Tribunal in accordance with Chapter VIII of this Part and the notice shall state that that right exists and the time within which it may be exercised ; and — ( a ) a notice under paragraph ( 9 ) above shall state the reasons why it appears to the board to be desirable for the protection of investors for them to exercise their powers in the manner and in relation to the member in question ; and ( b ) a notice under paragraph ( 10 ) above shall state why the notice under paragraph ( 9 ) is being rescinded or varied .
12 On a sale of a private company , or if there have been reorganisations for taxation purposes , it is common for the seller to require the contract to be conditional on a clearance under s.703 ( cancellation of tax advantage ) and any other applicable tax provisions .
13 Section 49(1) of the SGA in general makes the passing of property a precondition for suing for the price , but s 49(2) permits an express provision of this type , provided that the price is stated in the contract to be due on a " date certain " .
14 What is appealing about the structure at Ichthus is the logic with which it is all applied : each Christian can be involved in a small group that can be healthy , supportive and can help the Christian to be involved in caring for the people immediately around where he lives .
15 He had to go through the churchyard to reach the back lane so he counted the houses to be sure of identifying Alfred 's door .
16 If the decision is illegal it can be quashed ; otherwise the court can not ( with one exception ) intervene , even if it thinks the decision to be wrong in some respect .
17 The District Attorney ( this is an American story ) believes the prisoners to be guilty of a serious crime , but has no proof that would stand up in court .
18 Notice that eqn ( 10.3d ) has the effect of requiring the wave to be orthogonal to the time axis as well as to the direction of propagation in space .
19 Rather like Mussolini 's ‘ improvement , of the approach to Saint Peter 's in the 1930s , the Conducator wanted the full glory of the building to be evident from a distance .
20 ‘ That gives us the freedom to be rude to each other ? ’
21 However , relational DBMS require the user to be aware of the relations that have been set up in order to obtain information from the database , including keys and foreign keys used to join relations .
22 We do not see the need for the level to be higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics .
23 The attempt to be fair to all traditions , by being equally tolerant of all and non-judgemental , can lead like a slippery slope from well-intentioned neutrality to profound scepticism about religion .
24 I 'd sooner have the duvet to be honest about it !
25 We shall therefore take the flux density in the gap to be equal to B0 .
26 Speaking from his holiday home in Kennebunkport , President George Bush sought to distance himself from the controversy , stating that it was not " a matter for the president to be concerned about , especially on the first day of his vacation " .
27 Joseph expects the department to be involved in advocates ' training , ‘ to ensure they understand procedures and what child protection means .
28 It is important to note that in order for the defendant to be liable at all , he must owe the plaintiff a duty of care .
29 With that letter , I sent you two copies of the Agreement for signature on behalf of Bell Communications Research , on whose behalf I understand you placed the order , and requested details of the specification you wished the tape to be prepared to .
30 Professor Dudek had envisaged the series coming out in paper covers ( the format that was just becoming the way to the mass market ) ; Leonard ensured that it went into hard ; Dudek had not meant the books to be prestigious in format but vehicles of introduction ; Leonard saw to it that his book could stand alongside the best that there were from both sides of the Atlantic .
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