Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] and [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 From this road it is possible to make small diversions down into the villages of Jardim do Mar and Paúl do Mar , although the roads in and out of them are more spectacular than the villages themselves .
2 The purpose of this project is to investigate the flows into and out of unemployment in Britain over the past twenty years .
3 This was no easy task as the Lincoln would be flying at low level over a featureless jungle and the bomb aimer had to be quick in identifying each datum point on the route into and out of the target point .
4 One or both of them ( almost always , as stimulus increases , both ) will move so as to slide the penis in and out of the vagina , causing frictional stimulation of the sensitive organs .
5 The author is for the purposes of this book broadening the definition to include all the cowboys in and out of the City of London , selling shares , futures , and occasionally other financial instruments .
6 Many living species burrow into sand or mud , sometimes to a considerable depth — these species maintain contact with the sea by means of long siphons , tubes that permit the passage in and out of water and bring to the animal both the necessary oxygen and the small organic particles on which it feeds .
7 These include security , staging , promotion , marketing , radio adverts , catering on the night for the artist , carrying the equipment in and out of the hall , the PRS percentage , the hall hire , as well as the printing and distribution of posters .
8 There were other carts scattered , in various stages of decay , around the hastily abandoned village : no shortage of wood , no shortage of time , as the tracks in and out of the place filled up with mud .
9 In September 1953 Curran became the BBC 's first internally selected administrative trainee , visiting or working for a time in different departments of the BBC in and out of London and assisting in the preparation of the BBC 's first personnel manual .
10 It is very important that the flow into and out of the septic tank takes place below the level in the tank so that the scum on the surface is not disturbed .
11 The section to the next town of Shanklin is built-up but the route improves dramatically on the way to and out of Ventnor .
12 You should telephone before venturing to a place for the first time , but it is probably wise also to go by yourself and have a look , to check whether you can manoeuvre the patient in and out of the building easily , and whether the toilet facilities are suitable .
13 We could not do the trip in and out of the town in time to catch the last plane that evening , so we were condemned to this place and an early flight .
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