Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun pl] [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 As far as the former are concerned , the term ‘ advanced ’ is applied to vocational courses in the sense that the level of work achieved is similar to that of other high-level courses , although the entry standards may sometimes be lower , and the majority of students taking them have already successfully completed Foundation Courses .
2 ‘ They have maintained a low profile in their life and as a result the coverage of matters affecting them is virtually non existent . ’
3 Unfortunately for Carrick he was quickly reduced to the rank of a ‘ common gauger ’ when an anonymous letter was received by the Board of Commissioners advising them that all of the excise supervisors in Scotland systematically maintained false diaries allegedly recording their activities .
4 It is indeed a case of ‘ the day of small things ’ and it is the doing of them with good-humoured patience and the appreciation of others doing them that makes the sum of these tiny parts such a very considerable one at the end of the day .
5 Bernard Arenson , Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs , claimed that the relaxation had been made to assist the poor in Haiti who had suffered unduly from the effects of sanctions depriving them of jobs and wages .
6 A police force is selecting new recruits with the help of videos showing them the kind of incidents they might have to tackle .
7 A police force is selecting new recruits with the help of videos showing them the kind of incidents they might have to tackle .
8 The success of these courses in influencing the quality of school and classroom practice depended on a number of factors , some of them — like the receptiveness of teachers attending them and the willingness of schools to encourage and accommodate change — beyond the control of the course providers .
9 With her own brimful of mirth , the haze of tears making them shine like glowing amethysts in her dirty face , she was quite unaware of how extraordinarily lovely she looked .
10 It is not surprising , therefore , that Edward II felt it necessary to deluge the pope and the cardinals with letters informing them of his circumstances , hopes and needs : in the course of his reign he sent nearly eighty letters a year to the cardinals ; in the first year of John XXII 's pontificate no fewer than 306 royal letters were addressed to members of the college of cardinals .
11 In order to obtain data on the difficulty of the questions at different levels it was necessary for the sample of pupils taking them to be drawn from the complete range of target pupils in the schools .
12 Remember we are concerned eventually to account for the repeatable contribution constituents make to the significance of signals involving them ; this being of the essence when syntax is recursive , or creative .
13 However , assuming the properties are significant assets , a full investigation of title is to be preferred to either reliance upon a certificate from the vendor 's solicitors that the vendor has a good and marketable title ( since certificates of title are qualified and their benefit depends upon the status of the firm of solicitors providing them ) or reliance upon warranties and indemnities alone since the purchaser would rather have problems disclosed before the purchase than have to rely upon a right to sue under warranties which will be subject to general limitations .
14 Geneva states that in the 1980s , ‘ IVF and allied procedures changed from being purely experimental in character to become accepted treatments for certain types of infertility and the numbers of centres offering them increased rapidly ’ .
15 Many organic solvents interact with each other in this way , and it may be the combination of chemicals surrounding them that causes illness in chemical-sensitive patients .
16 The number of listed companies rose by 428 during the four years , but the number of firms auditing them fell by 39 .
17 When the Boundary Commission looks at these matters over every 10 years or so , demography and demographic conditions have to be considered , and it is less easy than it appears on paper simply to provide consistency in terms of the demographic relationship of the people living in the country and the number of Members representing them in the House .
18 UI says its member companies are now circulating the document among users estimating they have about half the copies in print .
19 It relates to places of entertainment such as cinemas , theatres , dance halls , and proprietary clubs and permits the sale or supply of liquor for consumption on the premises to persons frequenting them as an ancillary to the entertainment provided .
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