Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 The order is that the defendant should consent to such steps being taken and the existence of personal jurisdiction over him is therefore essential .
2 The President was perturbed at the signs of Russian obduracy over Poland but felt that cooperation with Moscow could be preserved if the correct blend of firmness and concession was applied .
3 More immediately the Americans appreciated that the measure of technological superiority over the Soviets , on which their political and military plans were based , had been an illusion .
4 The advantage of negligent misstatement over normal negligence claims is that it can be used where the loss has only been economic , although it is not restricted to this .
5 The rise in local politics over recent years is not just the passive outcome of national forces working themselves out at the local level .
6 In these circumstances , it is convenient for corporate officials to pull the cloak of honest ignorance over their heads and proceed under its darkness to stumble blindly and unwittingly over the thin line between what is condoned and what is condemned .
7 Glazing is the laying of transparent colour over a dry under layer to create special and/or colour effects .
8 In addition to this year on year process of requesting Parliament to sanction public expenditure , there are also the on-going series of public expenditure surveys which predict the level of public expenditure over the medium term .
9 The question was designed to establish the level of public concern over this development , so there were no positive suggestions , but the low concern rate for most of the problems posed suggested that the majority of people were not worried about this prospect , nor that it would trouble them personally , socially or financially to any great extent .
10 The UDC 's first pamphlet , written by Morel , was unequivocal in asserting the necessity of military victory over Germany if Belgian sovereignty was to be restored .
11 The ‘ adaptive information ’ manifested in behaviour can , however , be described as inherited , because it is due to the action of natural selection over many generations .
12 The necessary inference from such a principle as his is that the interpreters of law should be the.ones to define the rights of individuals and to trace the bounds of legitimate government over them .
13 This is particularly relevant not only to encourage applicants from among under-represented groups such as women and ethnic minorities who do not figure in great numbers among present appointments but also [ in the light of recent controversy over sentencing decisions by judges ] , to encourage further consideration of the standards themselves .
14 In the light of continuing concern over the supply and training of such employees it seeks to investigate : a ) company experience of skill shortages and responses to them ; b ) strategies used by firms to recruit and retain employees ; c ) the extent and nature of company provision for the training and re-training of employees : d ) the opportunities provided for career progression into more advanced technological and managerial positions .
15 His choice of Indonesia , as opposed to the United Kingdom or the USA , as his first foreign destination was controversial in the light of widespread concern over Indonesia 's human rights record .
16 The Austrian and Czechoslovak governments announced in January that they would distribute iodine tablets , intended to help combat radiation sickness , to their citizens in the light of growing concern over the safety of some Czechoslovak nuclear plants .
17 On the contrary , the weight of central supervision over local authorities becomes ever stronger because of the steady decline in our economic fortunes .
18 Mr Crowe emphasised the achievement was no flash in the pan but the result of continuous improvement over several years .
19 This is partly the result of inadequate control over facades and signing , reinforced by the trend toward corporate design by major retail chains .
20 Salinity on density surfaces close to the temperature and salinity minimum of LSW from the CONVEX-91 northern section shows two main features ( Fig. 2 b ) : first , an increase in salinity from west to east ( high salinity values over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Rockall plateau are probably the result of enhanced mixing over the topography ) ; second , a change in the density surface of the salinity minimum .
21 They provided for the abolition of the military junta of commanders-in-chief which , under the original military proposals , would have had extraordinary powers and would have been able to conduct independent relations with any other government authority , and they reduced the degree of military control over the armed forces budget .
22 ( We will return to the issue of corporate influence over government below . )
23 The issue of judicial control over juries with a view to pre-empting decisions of fact , however , is neutral as between objectivist and subjectivist approaches to mistake .
24 In the meantime , however , widespread implementation of the Parsonnet system would represent a great improvement in the audit of cardiac surgery over crude mortality figures .
25 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
26 One of the key elements of this study was the exercise of tight control over variables which may influence faecal bile acid profiles ; age , transit time , gall stones , cholecystectomy , hepatic function , hepatic metastases , previous surgery , and antibiotics .
27 Treaties have been concluded to foster a common standard of treatment for individuals , to provide additional protection for certain categories of individuals , to impose obligations upon individuals , and to facilitate the exercise of municipal jurisdiction over individuals .
28 A representative of the mainly-Muslim Bosnian army , which seized the village in fierce fighting over the last five days , said they would not be harmed if they stayed .
29 It turns out that The Vision of Elena Silves operates on a more secular footing , but its meditation on the transcendence of human love over the coercions of church and state is a quietly compelling achievement .
30 The question of interim control over nuclear weapons in Ukraine had been removed from the agenda after preparatory Foreign and Defence Ministers ' meetings on July 3-4 ( not including Moldova 's Defence Minister ) , as it was felt that there was no likelihood of an agreement at the summit .
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