Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 She had tried , but the rehearsals had gradually taken on the menace of trials of endurance .
2 With their bizarre appearance and seemingly mysterious but treacherous way of life , the dodders have certainly latched on to human imagination as successfully as they do to the innumerable species of plants they parasitise , spawning fables , myths and fascinating names such as love vine , immortal vine , vine in the sky , beggar vine , strangleweed , devil 's gut , scald and so on .
3 But on closer inspection he realised the writer had actually turned out quite a nifty show .
4 The Board have further pointed out to the Committee that some Tutors are sending in End of Module Test Results for Students who have not reached a pass mark ( 60% ) in the Tests .
5 The technique has indeed opened up a whole new area of meiotic investigation in the male .
6 Now that Bernard left industrial action to others , the heart had quite gone out of the staff 's work-to-rule and normal relations were resumed .
7 I do n't think the snake had fully wakened up when I caught it , and I was careful not to jar it as I ran back to where my brothers and Blyth were lying on the grass .
8 I could not go back for some time as the Germans had obviously built up their air force to great strength , so I threw in my lot with Fulham church in my rare off-duty times .
9 I myself found at the entrance of one of them a small neatly-worked tomahawk , of an inch and a half in length , together with some slips of blue cotton rags , which the birds had doubtless picked up at a deserted encampment of the natives . ’
10 Ranjan Wijeratne , the Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , claimed on July 26 that the LTTE had recently carried out a series of attacks on Sinhalese villages .
11 A TELEPHONE moan line that promised to pass complaints about British Rail to the chairman has mysteriously shut down .
12 After Hitler had again suggested in a speech in mid-March 1941 that Britain would be conquered and the war ended finally in Germany 's favour within the next year , people were heard to remark that ‘ the Führer had never held out a prospect of something which had not happened ’ , and that one could therefore unquestionably rely upon the imminent defeat of Britain and end of the war .
13 But the gang had already moved on to another pub just a mile or so down the road .
14 The initial alarm that had swept over her in the apartment had now settled down into a tight knot of almost sick apprehension , which lay like heavy lead deep in her stomach .
15 The Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources , Thabit al-Thair , announced on Oct. 24 that Jordan had offered to repay the interest on the US$40,000,000 , but that the Saudis had still turned down a request to re-open supplies .
16 The ministry has already sounded out robot firms about joining the project , which will bring government laboratories universities and research institutes together with the private sector .
17 Since the mid-1980s , however , when the EC started dumping beef , the merchants have increasingly given up .
18 She slumped back in her chair , strangely deflated as though all the fight had suddenly gone out of her .
19 The Duchess has even taken up sketching to feel more at one with the subject of her new book ( Victoria apparently relied on her own sketches rather than paparazzi snaps or pictures in Hello ! as mementoes of overseas trips ) and admits that she , like the late Queen , is a ‘ tireless traveller ’ .
20 However , if the rattle slips down so far that it is no longer visible , the infant will at once lose interest and behave as if the rattle had also slipped out of existence .
21 The goals have just dried up .
22 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
23 In summer they would be green , as the agent had cunningly pointed out .
24 The fact that the polytechnics have largely grown out of a technical college tradition , geared to different ends , means that they have practical problems of a kind unfamiliar to the universities today .
25 In the World Cup quarter-final Skinner hit Cecillon with such force that the echo has barely died down around the Parc des Princes six months later .
26 THE fighting had just broken out in Panama City when a group of men dressed in civilian clothes and armed with rifles surrounded the Marriott Hotel and began rounding up guests .
27 The kids have never looked back .
28 ‘ When I realised the ring had probably gone back to England that was one of the first things I checked . ’
29 By the time we had driven to Port Eynon , the wind had really picked up but not easily deterred , we abandoned the car and set off towards the cliffs .
30 Or perhaps the car has really given up and it 's time for a new , or good second-hand one .
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