Example sentences of "the [noun] [unc] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The prince 's entourage did their best to stop her , the sisters , the brother-in-laws , his own lawyer , the priests .
2 A young mime group has won an award from the Prince 's Trust to take their show on the road .
3 This recognition by the Prince 's Trust gave me more than just financial help .
4 A key part of the prince 's trip took him to the logistics base Camp Redoubt , set up on a tortuous mountain pass between Vitez in central Bosnia and Tomislavgrad near the Croatian border .
5 Grooms took their horses whilst a pompous steward of the Prince 's household led them up the main steps into the spacious hall .
6 Then the cheeky four-year-old showed off by singing her favourite song — the drinker 's ditty Show Me The Way To Go Home .
7 It was easy to obey the lieutenant 's command to keep her head down and say nothing , but her heart was thundering by the time they reached the relative safety of the airfield 's terminal building .
8 Three main reasons were given for the apparent lack of enthusiasm : board members found it difficult to spare additional time for this form of training ; they were doubtful of the ability of outside trainers to provide training in tune with local needs ; attempts by some education authorities to retain part of the training budget in order to supply such area sessions were seen by some members as demonstrating a lack of trust in the board 's ability to organise its own training .
9 Provided the speed is good it can be released halfway through the turn , relying on the board 's momentum to carry it through .
10 She decided to go to the Kitty Kat Club that evening , as that was where the action seemed to be , but the Sheik 's secretary forestalled her .
11 Would the addition of atomic weapons to the RAF 's armoury make it , rather than the Royal Navy , Britain 's ‘ Senior Service' in the atomic era ?
12 BBCBASIC(Z80) uses the computer 's memory to store your program and the variables that your program use .
13 After the ceremony the bridal couple rushed to the photographer 's studio to have their portrait taken , before joining their guests who were waiting for the wedding meal .
14 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
15 The birds ' filters enhance their sensitivity to red , and this has been exploited by other creatures .
16 The nationalized industries , it is claimed , deprive the consumer of choice and limit the taxpayer 's freedom to spend his money as he chooses because of the industry 's monopoly position and reliance on state subsidies .
17 In fact , the insect 's eyes assess its speed relative to the ground , and this visual information has overall control .
18 The Prisoners ' Trust want them to exploit it
19 It may be that there is some delay after completion , which makes it impossible for the buyer 's conveyancers to lodge their transfer within the period of priority .
20 The projects 's director told us how important Oxfam 's help is .
21 There was still over an hour to go before his rendezvous with Rose and he decided to walk around the jewellers ' shops to find something he could afford .
22 If we 're familiar with a project … we can rely more heavily on our interpretation of the division 's analysis to evaluate it .
23 Grant got the impression that Larsen must have been waiting for his signal , like a sprinter crouched in his blocks waiting for the starter 's gun to launch him into motion .
24 The rink 's owners say it simply is n't making money — the clubs that use it are trying to form a consortium to keep it open .
25 It follows a public outcry by fans , after the rink 's owners closed it down because it was n't making any money .
26 The Pasha 's overseer struck my father .
27 The Vicar 's wife gave her the magazine to edit and type up .
28 The chaos then results from the compilers ' eagerness to compress his discussion of several variants into one example burdened with exceptions and qualifications .
29 The driver 's cab reminded me of the bridge ofa ship and , as in mid-ocean looking into infinity , I could almost make out the curve in the surface of the earth .
30 Only the driver 's expression showed what he thought of the idea of living in a place like that .
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