Example sentences of "the [noun] [be] so great that " in BNC.

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1 When a national newspaper first published Mrs Travers ' views , the response was so great that a whole page had to be given over to readers ' letters .
2 A second group is at the opposite extreme of breakage , with no mandibles intact , and this includes the mammalian carnivores , the little owl and most of the diurnal raptors not included in the main analysis ( not included because the damage is so great that hardly any recognizable bone is left in the pellets : see Table 2.1 ) .
3 The sales potential for technologydriven , ultra-real pornographic and violent experiences via the computer is so great that computer engineers are furiously designing software that will satisfy an otaku 's ‘ sexual ’ needs .
4 By 1971 , the tension was so great that Kapwepwe broke with Kaunda and formed the United People 's Party ( UPP ) which depended on a flimsy alliance between the Bemba and other tribal groups who at that time felt they were out in the political cold .
5 However , it appears that most ventures are characterized by investments in a project where the uncertainty is so great that it is not possible to evaluate it by means of ordinary criteria for analysis of projects .
6 In fact the force is so great that a concentrated jet from the water is capable of cutting straight through concrete .
7 The migration is so great that the countryside looks almost emptied .
8 And the spoil was so great that there was no end to the riches , in gold and in silver , and in horses and arms , so that men knew not what to leave and what to take .
9 The power of the sword was so great that nothing could stand against him .
10 For the DPP Miss Goddard said that mere delay is not capable of being an abuse of the process unless the delay is so great that what is sought by the Crown is no longer the vindication of justice but amounts to oppression or harassment of a defendant .
11 So even though we have a lot of tricky stuff to get right soundwise , the crew is so great that they can do it pretty much without us .
12 Too often in the past , he said , politicians had been bamboozled by specialists into believing that the problems were so great that the answer was to set up bodies like the UGC and let them make the decisions .
13 The shock was so great that the young man catapulted forward , straight through the glass panel in the front door and right into the street outside .
14 The shock was so great that it brought tears to his eyes , and when he 'd turned off the tap and dried his hand , the tears did n't stop .
15 The shock was so great that Luce was past telling him anything .
16 Pressure for places in the navy was so great that it could prove a difficult tool for politicians able to supply such appointments , for there was never enough to meet all the demands for it , and the obligement of one could offend other freeholders less fortunate .
17 In A Grammar of Metaphor she is at pains to show that in English poetry the relation of the verb metaphor to its proper term is weak and less important than its relation to its subject and objects : ‘ when a verb is metaphoric , its adaptability to the noun is so great that its relationship to it is direct , and much stronger than its relationship to the action it is ‘ replacing ’ ' ( 1958a:209 ) .
18 Ski Scott Dunn brought informal luxury to Champery three years ago : now the demand is so great that they are expanding into Zermatt : 01–602 8029 .
19 The impact was so great that the effect of it was to remain with me in the months ahead and give me strength when I most needed it .
20 The relief was so great that he found that his hand was creeping across the table towards hers .
21 One way to do this is to give them a hefty shove and hurl them together so fast that their mutual electrical repulsion can not resist , as in the Sun where the temperature at the centre is so great that the protons are highly agitated and occasionally collide at which point the energy-liberating fusion mechanisms take over .
22 The flow was so great that the authorities closed the border on Aug. 22-23 in order to cope with the backlog .
23 God speaks , but the stammering is so great that his wig slips off to reveal a fairly well-carved wooden figure .
24 Some writers use an engineering analogy and point out that the words ‘ stress ’ , ‘ strain ’ , ‘ tension ’ and ‘ pressure ’ are used when the load becomes too great and a breaking point is reached ; it is the point where the strain is so great that metal ceases to bend and it snaps .
25 The wealth accruing to the treasury was so great that the citizens of Italy were henceforth relieved of the need to pay tribute .
26 Shareholders in Unisys have been through so much misery , the fear that the IBM mainframe blight will soon infect the company is so great that no reasonable offer for the company is likely to be refused — and while the Unisys debt burden is now manageable , it is still onerous for a company of Unisys ' size , but AT&T 's credit remains almost as good as gold .
27 The noise from the engines was so great that the pair could only communicate by note .
28 The force of the decompression was so great that Captain Tim Lancaster was sucked from his seat and dashed against the outside of the aircraft .
29 The difference between the evangelicals and the others is so great that it can almost be said that growth in the diocese as a whole is restricted to evangelical parishes .
30 He says that the pain is so great that it brings tears to his eyes , makes him grumpy , and means he 's sometimes confined to his armchair for days on end .
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