Example sentences of "to suggest that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is nothing to suggest that a link with the County Hospital was ever contemplated ; the proposed collaboration was evidently to be with other poor law institutions only , and the initial approach was made in fact to the North Evington Infirmary in Leicester .
2 The zooxanthellae benefit their coral hosts which are able to use the supply of oxygen in their tissues for respiration and there is ample evidence to suggest that a proportion of the carbohydrates produced are absorbed by the corals as food .
3 To suggest that a re-reading is the only option open to us is a counsel of despair .
4 However , so far as the present case is concerned , this little girl … was only 6 and it would be idle for anyone to suggest that a girl of that age had sufficient understanding and knowledge to decide whether to consent or resist . ’
5 One way of explaining the interactional organization of sentences is to suggest that a clause consists of two segments .
6 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
7 Gently , Anna tried to suggest that a life free of an ageing queen had a great deal to recommend it .
8 The Statutes of Westminster apparently extended the law of rape to cover all women , not merely virgins , but there is nothing in them to suggest that a man could be liable for rape of a woman with whom he had previously had consensual sexual intercourse .
9 That managed competition may increase in time but it is stretching credibility a long way to suggest that a company that accounts for more than 96 per cent .
10 ‘ Are you honestly trying to suggest that a drugs ring could be operating right under my nose without my knowledge ? ’
11 It is therefore reasonable to suggest that a staging system might be devised which is based upon the type and genetic changes associated with conventional tumour stage and , more importantly , with survival .
12 It would be foolish to suggest that a river should never be tapped for energy or for agriculture , but the world 's politicians have not yet chosen to realize what enormous consequences such action has , or how long those consequences take to unfold , or — an essential consideration — that it is literally impossible to predict all that will ensue when a river is tapped .
13 I saw a river-bed , biting deep into the land , but nothing to suggest that a lake had ever been there or that man had ever trod there .
14 The Independent of Nov. 15 had meanwhile published details of internal UN documents which seemed to suggest that a UN official had handed over to the Moroccan government information supplied in confidence by the Polisario Front .
15 For instance , it would surely seem reasonable to suggest that a theory that anticipates and leads to the discovery of new phenomena , in the way Clerk Maxwell 's theory led to the discovery of radio waves , is more worthy of merit and more justifiable than a law or theory devised to account for phenomena already known and not leading to the discovery of new ones .
16 Stirling went on to suggest that a force of 200 men , properly selected , trained and equipped , and organized into five-man sub-units , should thus be able to attack thirty different objectives simultaneously on the same night — compared to only one target using the Commando technique .
17 It is open to debate whether or not all the designs traditionally ascribed to Persia are in fact Persian in origin , and there is some evidence to suggest that a number may have had earlier links with Anatolia , India or Central Asia .
18 But to suggest that a speech community is diffuse ( or internally divergent ) is not to imply that it is necessarily unpatterned or unstructured : on the contrary , our task is to find out how the variation is structured by demonstrating what the patterns in the community are like .
19 It is no exaggeration to suggest that a player of his undoubted skills would command a regular place at any other county outside Essex , yet fate dealt him an inordinately bum hand last season , limited opportunities , loss of form and a broken index finger combining to dent his confidence .
20 Indeed Jacob values settlements sufficiently to suggest that a power , or perhaps even a duty , should be imposed on the court to promote a settlement or compromise between the parties .
21 There is also evidence to suggest that a diet higher in fruits and vegetables and lower in red meats and animal protein can reduce stress and slow down the ageing process .
22 Counterfeiting is a deliberate attempt to confuse consumers by copying a well-known trademark , generally along with the packaging , to suggest that a product is made by a manufacturer with a good reputation when it is , in fact , inferior .
23 To suggest that a 60% allowance should be applied to the Structure Plan target of 2,500 in the period 1991 to 1996 to calculate a total housing land supply for the five year period is not valid .
24 Snobbery may provide one answer : in his supposed solidarity with his own kind , he may not have wished to suggest that a tenant farmer could prove more generous of spirit than the laird .
25 There is some authority to suggest that a doctor is under a duty to prevent the suicide of such a patient in so far as there is a duty to control the patient .
26 This has led authors to suggest that a rate somewhere between these two rates should be utilized — a synthetic rate .
27 There must be no lecturing to those who are hardest hit and no attempt to suggest that a fuss is being made about nothing .
28 It is ridiculous to suggest that a magazine article , book or even the most expert of instructors can teach you exactly how to perform the complex set of movements involved in , say , gybing .
29 Somewhat surprisingly , there is little evidence to suggest that a city 's industrial structure in itself accounts for poor urban performance ( Fothergill and Gudgin , 1982 ) .
30 It may seem ridiculous to suggest that a suicide does not believe in death , but there is a certain amount of evidence to suggest that some forms of suicide ( usually referred to as ‘ schizoid ’ ) are in fact attempts at rebirth .
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