Example sentences of "convinced that they were " in BNC.

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1 Although so little was heard from them , those who kept tabs on them were convinced that they were slowly fading away .
2 He himself was convinced that they were separate entities , and decided to prove this once and for all by inoculating himself with pus from a patient with a gonococcal discharge .
3 I could n't bring myself to believe it , and after I had visited Cooper in Maidstone Prison and McMahon in Long Lartin Prison and spoken to their two solicitors , Gareth Peirce for Cooper and Wendy Mantle for McMahon , as well as to Tom Sargant , the secretary of JUSTICE , who had also taken up the case , I was convinced that they were as innocent of the Luton murder as I was .
4 Either the US could allow themselves to be convinced that they were fighting one war , in Vietnam and Korea ; that with practically unlimited US military and economic assistance the French could defeat the main Vietminh forces in Tonkin ; and that revolution or insurgency could be contained in the rest of the country .
5 One thing is clear to the present writer : after talking to many of the older horsemen who had performed it — men born before or about 1890 — he became convinced that they were totally involved in the ceremony .
6 Wales were convinced that they were one up on Scotland in having already experienced Joel Dume in their England match , while the Sassenachs ' top brass reckoned Scotland would be at a definite disadvantage for the first 20 minutes .
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