Example sentences of "convinced that they be " in BNC.

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1 If two uncontrolled groups prove to be different in some respect , we can only treat this as evidence of a causal relationship if we are convinced that they are not also different in some other important respect , as we shall
2 This can happen if someone becomes convinced that they are food-allergic or food-intolerant without undergoing proper diagnosis .
3 The buyers of services are becoming more selective , unconcerned about cosy established relationships and anxious to be convinced that they are receiving value for money : competitiveness and excellence are the watchwords for the future .
4 They are convinced that they are the only ones who suffer , and refuse to see the impact they have on others .
5 Until then , I need to be convinced that they are truly superior .
6 A spokesman for Norwich police said : ‘ Papers were found on them , but we are not entirely convinced that they are genuine .
7 I am still not convinced that they are as efficient at policing claims and repair costs as they could be .
8 If any one should think that the women 's earnings are stated too low in these accounts , he will be convinced that they are not , on considering that these women commonly begin the world with an infant , and are mere nurses for ten or twelve years after marriage , being always either with child , or having a child at the breast ; consequently incapable of doing much other work beside the necessary businesses of their families , such as baking , washing , and the like .
9 Convinced that they are the ideal match , these lovers who are often the offspring of divorced parents not wanting to repeat their mistakes conspire not to let anything spoil the relationship .
10 I was thinking for instance when you have generation of young men how do you , what 's the time left to something extreme can be done culturally and people can be sort of you know convinced that they 're right and that they go out there and get machine guns can be done culturally , whereas
11 Although so little was heard from them , those who kept tabs on them were convinced that they were slowly fading away .
12 He himself was convinced that they were separate entities , and decided to prove this once and for all by inoculating himself with pus from a patient with a gonococcal discharge .
13 I could n't bring myself to believe it , and after I had visited Cooper in Maidstone Prison and McMahon in Long Lartin Prison and spoken to their two solicitors , Gareth Peirce for Cooper and Wendy Mantle for McMahon , as well as to Tom Sargant , the secretary of JUSTICE , who had also taken up the case , I was convinced that they were as innocent of the Luton murder as I was .
14 Either the US could allow themselves to be convinced that they were fighting one war , in Vietnam and Korea ; that with practically unlimited US military and economic assistance the French could defeat the main Vietminh forces in Tonkin ; and that revolution or insurgency could be contained in the rest of the country .
15 One thing is clear to the present writer : after talking to many of the older horsemen who had performed it — men born before or about 1890 — he became convinced that they were totally involved in the ceremony .
16 Wales were convinced that they were one up on Scotland in having already experienced Joel Dume in their England match , while the Sassenachs ' top brass reckoned Scotland would be at a definite disadvantage for the first 20 minutes .
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