Example sentences of "suggesting that [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 These older cells undergo a second migration and give rise to a variety of cell types quite alien to the site at which they had arrived in their first migration , suggesting that there is a mixed population of cells at each site at the end of migration and the conditions at each site favour the growth and differentiation of specific members of the mixed population ; the others fail to flourish and presumably die .
2 The delight at the judgment which was ascribed to John Hegarty in the July issue of ACCOUNTANCY perhaps goes too far in suggesting that there is now mutual recognition of firms within the EC .
3 Saxton Bampfylde represents a more recent example of a breakaway this time from John Stork — suggesting that there is still scope for start-ups in headhunting .
4 Here we show that the carrier generates an alkalinization outside and an acidification inside glial cells , and transports anions out of the cells , suggesting that there is a carrier cycle in which two Na + accompany each glutamate anion into the cell , while one K + and one OH - ( or HCO ) are transported out .
5 Professor Hoskins was incorrect in suggesting that there is little new to say about roads .
6 In short , I am suggesting that there is more continuity than discontinuity in the development of the novel as a literary form .
7 This effect was symmetrical for the two visual fields , suggesting that there is no hemisphere difference in persistence of the icon .
8 While pluralist writers can not be interpreted as suggesting that there is a perfect or even extensive distribution of political power through the mechanism of interest participation in government decision making , — ’ what pluralists do argue is that more groups are involved in making decisions than is suggested by Marxist and elitists , who claim that a particular class or group has a monopoly of influence .
9 In using Brooke-Rose 's discussion of poetic metaphor as the basis for an analysis of how this figure works in novels she wrote in the 1960s , I am not suggesting that there is a necessary relation , historical or logical , between them .
10 By implication , we are suggesting that there is a hierarchy of places , or similarly that a particular place has a certain status in the local community .
11 Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that there is something new about a substantial majority of crime being committed by young people — that it is a phenomenon of the 1980s and 1990s ?
12 In gall bladder and colonic , epithelia , intracellular [ Na + ] is maintained virtually constant despite varying rates of NaCl absorption , suggesting that there is parellel regulation of basolateral Na + /K + ATPase .
13 Although saturation kinetics for glucose absorption from human jejunum have been shown suggesting that there is only active glucose transport , there is other evidence suggesting the participation of passibe glucose absorption as well .
14 Industrial chemicals lost £49 million in the fourth quarter , suggesting that there is a little more pain to come from ICI 's core businesses .
15 ‘ I am by no means suggesting that there is no crime or no violence , obviously that is not true .
16 And MacPhearson wants to argue that Locke is fairly clearly suggesting that there is a property qualification for membership of the people , the people being the sovereign .
17 undermine your opponent 's credibility by : questioning his experience suggesting that he is losing control negotiating to the point of his mental exhaustion
18 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
19 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
20 The counsellor may often find that this period also coincides with the onset of a depressed or confused state of mind , suggesting that it is the problems and difficulties which occurred around this time that require counselling attention .
21 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
22 He is not suggesting that it is ‘ thought ’ that is the main determining force .
23 GIST had more success in altering children 's attitudes than their subject choices , suggesting that it is easier to change attitudes and beliefs than actual behaviour .
24 Contrary to some of the conclusions drawn from social scientific research suggesting that it is primarily home or family backgrounds that determines the level of educational performance , Edmonds proceeds to identify those characteristics of effective schools delivering marked improvements in children 's educational achievements .
25 Deletions and point mutations of this gene were detected in eight unrelated XLA patients , strongly suggesting that it is directly involved in the disease and , therefore , in the process of B-cell development .
26 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
27 Despite this apparent endorsement , SCO wo n't say whether it has even made a decision yet , suggesting that it is still trying to picture a future for OSF/1 , given the lack of industry support for it and the shadows cast by OSF 's re-focusing .
28 Hall reveals through his examination of Colnaghi documents that Berenson 's recommendations at times ‘ follow almost word for word , Gutekunst 's own letters to Berenson ’ , suggesting that it is time for a re-examination of the role of dealers as well as the more famous advisers in influencing taste .
29 These experiments do not support the notion that poor readers are unlikely to use context when reading , and go some way to suggesting that it is the poor readers who rely on context to aid their weak word-recognition skills .
30 One response to this has been to challenge the position of the majority in the province by suggesting that it is not the population of the province who should decide the issues at stake but the population of the whole of Ireland .
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