Example sentences of "to prove that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would be difficult to prove that a buyer had notice .
2 The past decade has seen immense progress in elucidating the scientific basis for a proper discipline of programming : it is now possible to prove that a computer program meets its specification , in much the same way that mathematicians and engineers know how to prove the correctness of a proposed solution to the relevant differential equations .
3 as if to prove that a Shetlander 's work is never done , the same storms that sank the Braer and then cleaned away the oil caused erosion of the coast along the edge of the unexcavated portion of Jarlshof , and emergency coastal defences had to be installed prior to the provision of a permanent seawall .
4 What is even more remarkable against this background is that modern science has now not only taken an interest in the mystical art of the Zodiac , but is actually trying to prove that a person 's stars do have an effect .
5 Under the law prior to that date , the onus was on the prosecution to prove that a person in such circumstances knew , first , of the presence of the pistol and , second , that it was unlicensed .
6 Unlike their Mancunian rivals New Order , they were willing to prove that a sense of style was n't necessarily a barometer of blandness .
7 I wanted to prove that a man using only natural supply and watering points could cross it without a camel or motor vehicle .
8 Nearly 30 separate documents can be used to prove that a man or woman is eligible to work , and employers are not required to verify any of them .
9 Yet had the visitors been England or Australia he may well not have been able to resist the temptation , and this was only partly because they were the leading lights in world cricket ; there was also the racial aspect , in that he passionately wanted to prove that a team of black players led by a black captain was the equal of , if not better than , the white teams .
10 The patent contains eight pages of mathematical formulae which purport to prove that a microphone will have much better directional characteristics if the holes are spaced at irregular or non-linear intervals .
11 This was the first systematic survey of stone circles ever to be undertaken and in it Stukeley attempted to prove that the Druids , whom he believed built the circles , were the forefathers of Christianity .
12 Mrs Nutt submitted that it would be difficult , if not impossible , for the appellant to try and set about to prove that the co-defendant had not committed an act of gross indecency with him , that he was in effect deprived of any opportunity of cross-examining or otherwise challenging the co-defendant and that to admit the evidence would be simply to render the proceedings against the appellant wholly unfair .
13 It is impossible to prove that the rivalries thus engendered endured , or that the king subsequently failed to impose himself on his major followers , favouring some individuals at the expense of others , and allowing his officials to get out of hand , all at the expense of national unity .
14 But just to prove that the rivalry is only for fun they will be working together on Easter Saturday to organise a penny mile laying in Guisborough .
15 A judicial separation may be obtained upon proof of any one of the five bases for divorce mentioned above , save that there is no need to prove that the marriage has broken down irretrievably .
16 However , it is not necessary for an employer to prove that the connections are exclusive to him and they need not be long established .
17 The building was not built in ninety one , whether there 's any relevance or not , where they 're trying to prove that the building has been up for some time , they 'd say , it 's not , that building was put up this year .
18 However , you have to prove that the hairdresser did n't do the job with reasonable care and skill .
19 James Prior said unemployment levels were intolerable and Norman Tebbit said that he was going to prove that the problem was soluble .
20 The adverse act required under Morris did not mean that the prosecution had to prove that the appropriation was not done with the authority of the owner because so to hold was inconsistent with Lawrence .
21 Impetuously he wrote a declaration , which was widely circulated , denying the rumour and asserting that he was ready to prove that the Prayer Book of Edward VI conformed to the commandments of Christ and the practice of the Apostles , whereas the Mass was contrary to that practice and was the work of Satan .
22 You 'll be able to prove that the stories are wrong . ’
23 Historically , successful convictions under the 1977 Act were rare , largely because it was necessary to prove that the landlord subjectively intended , through his or her actions , to force the " residential occupier " to leave the property in question .
24 California would be obliged to prove that the ban rested on " strong scientific principles " before an international panel .
25 Nobody can say for sure when the earliest purpose-made sparkling wine was produced , but documentary evidence exists to prove that the monks of the abbey of St Hilaire in southern France had intentionally produced sparkling wines as early as 1531 , well over one hundred years before anyone attempted to do so in Champagne .
26 The company involved claims it has an import licence to prove that the wood was already dead when it was bought , so the import ban should n't apply in this case .
27 But , to spike the guns of barrack-room lawyers , it is expressly stated that it is not a defence to prove that the documents prepared were not in fact prepared in accordance with the Act .
28 The stories written by Dan Kavanagh about a London private investigator , Duffy , are just one example to prove that the return journey has been successfully accomplished .
29 It is surely a matter of degree whether the goods are " ordinarily " supplied for private use , but s12(3) of UCTA 1977 provides that the onus is upon the supplier to prove that the buyer is not a consumer .
30 But the documents and witnesses to prove that the army conducted archaeological excavations have been found , this despite the fact that the area of Barbariga has been closed to archaeologists since World War II , and the islands of Brijuni were off-limits to the public once they became Tito 's residence .
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