Example sentences of "suffered from [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Say like erm th stresses we 're all under will cause depression , but after my had my children I suffered from reactive hyperglycaemia , low blood sugar , and we , that was glucose intolerance and I think an awful lot of women erm , suffer th from this and it 's not erm found out and knowing the glucose intolerance I can understand how a lot of children erm , suffer from er problems with eating habits because I think this is being discovered more and more
2 This was not a total surprise , since Prendergast suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and was frequently to be encountered in the Directors ' Lavatory , but Vic had thought he was alone , and felt rather foolish standing there with the stump of the clothes brush , like an incriminating weapon , in his fist .
3 However , he suffered from indifferent health , and a visit to Egypt led to his becoming seriously ill from typhoid .
4 During the last twenty years of his life , however , he suffered from increasing deafness and the effects of an internal complaint , in consequence of which ‘ he withdrew much from society , and lived very retired . ’
5 The impact of such an approach was emphasised recently in a mainstream secondary school wishing to introduce a child from a special school who suffered from cerebral palsy .
6 He suffered from muscular dystrophy , however , and the creeping paralysis of that wasting and mortal disease had , by the time Eliot grew to know him well , consigned him to a wheelchair .
7 And he suffered from moral gaucherie also : he disapproved , he reproved .
8 Research in Newcastle has shown that about a third of all children referred with psychiatric disorders also suffered from undiagnosed depression .
9 She suffered from terminal consumption and , before her death said , referring to the priests , ‘ when I am gone — they will get you , and then I shall see you no more . ’
10 ( Gubbins suffered from chronic dyspepsia , smoked fifty cigarettes a day , and confessed he found the world intolerable without a glass in his hand . )
11 He suffered from chronic bronchitis and arthritis , conditions that sprang from the way he had had to live in war-torn France .
12 John Bate stood in for his father during his frequent absences — he suffered from chronic bronchitis — giving evidence to several parliamentary commissions on weights and measures before his own early death of consumption in 1840 .
13 When Val came to me , in October 1989 , she had arthritis in both her hands and feet , her shoulders and neck were in pain and she also suffered from chronic sciatica .
14 Ephraim Shapiro worked in London in the Russian department of the B.B.C. Wartime conditions suited this complicated man , as he suffered from chronic insomnia and liked fire-watching by night while emerging in daylight to make predatory raids on the thinly attended sale-rooms which provided a happy hunting ground for someone with eyes as sharp as his .
15 Very small farms in the east of England also suffered from low income during the same period .
16 It is undoubtedly the case that HARPY , HWIM and Hearsay-II suffered from poor bottom-up processing , and that this was the major reason why early identification of the initial portion of the utterance was so difficult .
17 though mine suffered from poor screen geometry and required adjustment .
18 He suffered from retrolental fibroplasia ( RLF ) .
19 He suffered from post-traumatic stress because of a lone confrontation with eight youths two years earlier .
20 In his collection of essays on genius the distinguished neurologist , the late Sir William Russell Brain , concluded about Smart that ‘ clearly he suffered from manic-depressive insanity or cyclothymia ’ and there is much to support that diagnosis .
21 Reservations were soon expressed , however , about the necessity for psychiatrists to carry out the assessments in view of the relatively small number of patients who suffered from psychiatric illness and the pressures on already stretched psychiatric resources ( Crammer 1969 ) .
22 Though she suffered from aerial bombardment England was spared the devastation caused by military engagement and occupation in the Second World War .
23 But it suffered from aggressive marketing by established players such as Cray Research Inc and Convex Computer Corp , and has now laid off ‘ a large percentage ’ of its workforce , and shut down sales , marketing , manufacturing and support operations .
24 Mozart 's final illness lasted 15 days , during which time his body swelled , he vomited intermittently and he suffered from high fever .
25 More than £6,000 was raised by Group employees around the globe in a united gesture of compassion for , who suffered from motor neurone disease .
26 People in the sparsely-populated region also suffered from severe skin burns , eye irritations and increased incidence of allergies .
27 He suffered from ill health in 1840 , and again in 1842 and 1844 .
28 They also suffered from itchy skin , fever , and loss of appetite , all of which have been identified as symptoms of sewage poisoning .
29 Henry IV appears to have had no burning ambition to secure the French crown , and during his reign Aquitaine suffered from relative neglect .
30 The ‘ feeble minded ’ children labelled cretins also suffered from thyroid deficiency , or , usually , from a deficiency of the iodine which is necessary for the gland to function effectively .
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