Example sentences of "deep into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her heart raced like a riptide ; her ears rang and lights fizzed at the back of her eyes as if she 'd just dived deep into the bosom of Ocean .
2 When pressed deep into the heap and withdrawn , the paddles spread out to disturb , mix , and aerate the decomposing materials .
3 I climb out of the Toyota and go to the fire and push the kettle deep into the ash which now mutes the heat .
4 In its native China , the wheelbarrow 's narrow wheel might have sliced through the mud and found rock beneath , but here it just cut deep into the sand .
5 From a private carriage aboard the McKinley Explorer , travel to Denali National Park for a tour deep into the wilderness .
6 Here you 'll find long sandy beaches in coves between rugged , rocky headlands ; clear blue sea , perfect for swimming and watersports ; sun , sun and more sun of the hot and tanning variety ; and great nightlife with bars , discos and live music going on deep into the night and beyond .
7 … and now , hours later , deep into the night Mr Wolski felt that anger still .
8 His father splashes deep into the water and pulls him out .
9 This comes in a pressurised can with a long nozzle , so the foam can be injected deep into the hole , where it expands to totally seal the gap .
10 It was not the end of the Orcs of course , and in the following years Sigmar took the battle deep into the forests and mountains , rooting out Goblin strongholds and driving his enemies ever deeper into the wilds .
11 By the time the armed police had arrived , the kidnappers had disappeared with their victims , deep into the forests that surround St Petersburg .
12 Wandering aimlessly , she ascended towers and followed twisting galleries deep into the cliff .
13 Its rich , moisturising formula penetrates deep into the hair shaft to smooth and detangle .
14 Opposite him , in the seat immediately behind the driver , sat a sour-faced Mrs Roscoe , her nicely shaped little nose stuck deep into the text of A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
15 He kicked irritably at the metal fence and then turned and headed back towards the car , hands dug deep into the pockets of his jacket .
16 Wycliffe was content ; with his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his mackintosh , he watched the crowd , an occupation of which he never tired .
17 She watched dazedly as he paced in front of the cottage , hands thrust deep into the pockets of his jeans .
18 Corbett grabbed the crossbow , already loaded , which swung from his saddlebow and brought it up , aimed and sent the quarrel deep into the chest of the leading rider .
19 There was not a great deal to see , as he was curled up on one side with his thumb jammed in his mouth , and four chubby fingers obscured that part of his face not pressed deep into the bolster .
20 Stone 's movie — tension-packed and highly-pressured — goes deep into the psyche of both DJ and his rude , foul-mouthed , flippant , remorselessly cruel audience .
21 Loch Cairnbawn carries the waters of Eddrachillis Bay deep into the mainland 's interior , penetrating the coastal hills , becoming constricted at a narrow strait , and then widening and dividing into Loch Glendhu and Loch Glencoul , both inurned amongst wild mountains .
22 D. From 1900 onwards there was new mining machinery , particularly powerful pumps to remove water and to blow air deep into the mines .
23 The location is the beautiful La Manga Club , situated deep into the Mercurian Hills of the Cost Calida in Southern Spain and the week includes :
24 Maeve dug her nails deep into the calf of his leg .
25 The musty smell of concentrated earth , which the people also faintly carry , stirs a memory of dipping my head deep into the darkness of empty potato bunkers on farm holidays as a child .
26 He threw it deep into the wood and the dog chased after it .
27 There is no need to fear putting your hand deep into the rabbit hole .
28 It drives an elaborate root system deep into the tissues of the unfortunate crab , and sucks nourishment from its body .
29 In summer a combination of that , plus a huge ugly path eroded deep into the hillside could make a Munroist 's heart sink .
30 You know the sort : he fulfils damn near every anti-rock stereotype going , confirms every prejudice levelled at gilded Yank youth , stares deep into the mysteries of his navel while the world turns , or even burns , looks scarily like Paul Simon … and is the leader of an improbably great band .
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