Example sentences of "dozen [conj] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll just tidy these up , ’ said her host , stuffing a dozen or so unwashed socks behind the grubby cushion .
2 The hunters are the half dozen or so experienced adult males in the group .
3 Behind comes a column of workers , scurrying along a dozen or so abreast , many of them carrying larvae .
4 They include a dozen pre-Cubist works , half a dozen or so Cubist drawings and paintings , some Thirties landscapes , and end with three heads of cavaliers from the Sixties .
5 Perhaps a new young star would make his insistent mark on the golfing heavens ; or , more likely , one of the top dozen or so established golfers would add to his bank balance .
6 Later , when people got squeamish about that sort of thing , they substituted cats — a dozen or so live cats tied up in a sack .
7 Sometimes you may want to reach everyone on the list , but more often you will only be using certain sections or even picking out a dozen or so specialist outlets .
8 Suddenly she rose from the post , some 250 feet from me , and with a dozen or so leisurely beats of her magnificent wings she was angling in to land on my glove and devour her prize !
9 A dozen or so extra men had made their appearance in Sir Walter Raleigh Park , with wives and children who now assisted with the preparations .
10 These were a dozen or so stoppered glass bottles containing a selection of Wakelate 's most virulent and inventive poisons .
11 Between a fetid canal and a railway line , under the bleaching afternoon sun , a dozen or so young men stand in line , waiting to buy cocaine .
12 It showed a dozen or so young men casually grouped around a bench on a sunlit lawn , wearing knife-creased flannels and striped blazers : the very antithesis of student life in the sixties .
13 Helena Naulls was in the day room with the dozen or so other old women and the two old men .
14 To her right the blind yellowstone wall of another tall building rose majestically — a perfect backdrop for the dozen or so pink-clothed tables , laid for morning coffee , their pristine china no whiter than the latticed chairs which surrounded them .
15 The village boasted a fleet of a dozen or so small fishing boats , which Ashley had seen setting sail at night and returning with their slippery silver haul in the mornings .
16 The ship 's library , in addition to all the necessary navigational books , a Bible , a Book of Common Prayer , accounts of Antarctic expeditions and a dozen or so lurid paperbacks , contained one or two self-help books , among them one on the rigging and canvassing of sailing vessels .
17 It was two minutes past midnight when he walked through into the Chapters Bar , where a dozen or so late-night ( early-morning ) drinkers were still happily signing bills .
18 Furthermore , since there are now well-established Caribbean communities in a dozen or so English cities , each with a slightly different population distribution and distinct needs , any attempt to discuss the language behaviour of Caribbeans in Britain will need to consider each community separately .
19 There are also a dozen or so whitish spots about half-pinhead size .
20 There should have been plenty of time for all the work we planned , but what with all the delays of getting the assay going in an unfamiliar lab , as well as making a quick canter round a dozen or so Australian campuses to give seminars , it was n't until almost the last few days of my visit , during a long car journey through the outback to attend a biochemistry congress at Brisbane , that I managed to decode and assemble all the data .
21 First up , they were stopped at the US border for the customary van search and their local driver was found to be in possession of a dozen or so ready-rolled ‘ recreational ’ cigarettes .
22 Nor must I omit a dozen or so Turkish friends , whose friendship I was able to resume years later , above all Aziz and Ulviye Isvar and my closest Turkish friend — indeed one of my closest friends — Naci Ortaç , whose wife was the daughter of a Grand Vizier .
23 This has the same view as Philip Swallow 's , but is smaller — indeed , rather too small for all the furniture it contains : a desk , bookcases , filing cabinets , a table and a dozen or so unstacked stacking chairs .
24 The arithmetic alone shows that this Government is only prone to defeat when there is an issue over which all the non-government parties intend to vote the same way ( ie including the Official and Democratic Unionists , plus the self-styled popular Unionist , Sir James Kilfedder ) and where that total is topped up by a dozen or so Tory malcontents .
25 Instead of one large corporate body , like the BBC , ITV comprised a dozen or so smaller production companies , all making , and prerecording , programmes for sale to each other and overseas .
26 Nightlife is informal , with a dozen or so quiet bars and about 15 restaurants offering delicious home made pasta dishes .
27 A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below .
28 Lavenham , which must have had a population approaching 1,000 and ranked as one of the dozen or so richest towns in the kingdom , went into decline following the death of the great clothier Thomas Spring in 1523 .
29 Every day half a dozen or so old ladies leave a million pounds or more , generally widows whose major asset was a decent house in the South-east .
30 Behind him a dozen or so more of the cars were lined up , their paintwork gleaming .
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