Example sentences of "70 per cent in " in BNC.

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1 Strongest organic growth came on the Continent , where profits rose by 150 per cent in France and 70 per cent in West Germany .
2 Firewood provides half the cooking energy in Indian cities and 70 per cent in villages .
3 The study only found evidence of food reactions in 15 per cent of the patients , compared with 70 per cent in another major study .
4 Voter turnout in local elections was frequently as low as 25 per cent , in contrast with over 70 per cent in national elections .
5 The Spanish lottery pays out 70 per cent in prizes , 25 per cent goes to the State and the rest is swallowed by administrative costs .
6 In 1985 Japanese workers in small manufacturing firms earned 55 per cent of workers in large firms compared to 75 per cent in West Germany , 73 per cent in the UK and 70 per cent in France or Italy and 66 per cent in the US .
7 But overall demand has risen — by 70 per cent in England and Wales since 1960 .
8 In 1790–6 , labourers spent 40 per cent of their income on bread and flour , 20 per cent on animal products ( e.g. bacon ) , 9 per cent on sugar , tea , beer — 70 per cent in all ( Gilboy 1936 ) .
9 Therefore the proportion of households headed by a married couple has been decreasing through time — it was 74 per cent in 1971 , 70 per cent in 1981 , and is expected to be only about 55 per cent in 2001 in England and Wales ( Department of the Environment , 1986a ) .
10 Taking data on all full-time manual workers , figure 10.2 shows that the ratio of women 's hourly pay to men 's suddenly rose in the mid-1970s from the level it seems to have previously held over recorded history , 60 per cent , to over 70 per cent in 1977 , a level more or less maintained subsequently .
11 The ratio of girls to boys going to university fluctuated from 70 per cent in 1925 ; 50 per cent in 1937 ; 47 per cent in 1950 ; 50 per cent in 1960 ; 66 per cent in 1973 ; and it has remained at that level since .
12 The weight of the humble plastic carrier bag , for instance , has been reduced by a staggering 70 per cent in the past 20 years .
13 For a 10,000 million tonne nuclear war scenario , it is estimated that the ozone column would be reduced by between 30 and 70 per cent in the northern hemisphere and by up to 40 per cent in the southern hemisphere ( Crutzen and Birks , 1982 ; US National Research Council , 1975b ; Turco et al. , 1983 ; Whitten et al. , 1975 ) .
14 A French government report released on July 2 showed that foreign orders for French weapons had soared by 70 per cent in 1990 to F33,400 million ( US$5,400 million ) , largely because of the Gulf war .
15 By the end of 1990 it stood at 121 per cent , and the aim of reducing this to less than 70 per cent in 1991 appeared to be succeeding as the inflation rate for the first five months of the year was 38.9 per cent , compared with 84.5 per cent in the corresponding period in 1990 .
16 Inflation fell to an annualized figure of 15 per cent , compared with about 70 per cent in 1991 .
17 By 1815 the canals may have been carrying in excess of 10 million tons of coal , not only more cheaply — on average coal prices ( and those of other bulky materials ) fell by between 50 and 70 per cent in larger urban centres with the opening of a canal — but also over an extended reach .
18 But as the joint venture , a marriage between Courtaulds ' acetate filament yarn operation and SNIA Fibre , enters its second year it does so with its market share — about 70 per cent in Europe — intact .
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