Example sentences of "neither of they [be] " in BNC.

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1 But neither of them 's fit for ladies like yourselves .
2 But neither of them is incapable of pursuing the artificial fiction of being himself .
3 Both are gigantic construction projects , needing a large number of people to pass through them to be profitable , and with neither of them is the full return projected for a good few years hence .
4 We can now see that the organism and the group of organisms are true rivals for the vehicle role in the story , but neither of them is even a candidate for the replicator role .
5 ‘ Nell is nineteen and Marion eighteen , ’ Harry said and , poking his head forward with emphasis , he added , ‘ And neither of them is a beauty . ’
6 Neither of them is over six foot yet both more than punch their weight .
7 Both of these pictures throw retrospective light on some of the problems faced in the Demoiselles ; and although , once again , neither of them is truly Cubist , they are of great significance in the emergence of the style .
8 I am neither , nor intend to be treated as , a paid cook or a resident and beholden domestic , especially as I get tired very easily and neither of them is working .
9 ( though both are tall , and neither of them is fat ,
10 They 're both , they 're both , neither of them are actually warts , okay ?
11 Most people end up neither of them are prepared
12 East Stand ) Neither of them are now at leeds , one is playing in the USA and the other is dossing around for a year ( so he says ) before trying to get in with a lower division club .
13 Neither of them are obviously connected with lovers or courting couples .
14 Or or probably neither of them are connected .
15 sort of , but neither of them are taking it on are they next year ?
16 Neither of them are gon na get better , I mean you 've been in here all this time and he has n't been up yet
17 And if neither of them was at home Lewis would return to The Kilns by bus ; so Minto was visited each day .
18 Dorothea had told Florence Ames the story of Gaily in the church twice before , and neither of them was yet tired of it , Dorothea because it pleased her friend so to hear it , and Florence because it pleased her that the man had been somehow vindicated , turned out to be as good as she had thought , and a friend .
19 Neither of them was capable of searching out any fairy-tale kink in the more drab theories of evolution which might explain how it is that a frog taken ( however reluctantly ) into the soft bed of a princess can be changed overnight back into a prince .
20 At first interview they had said that they worried about Mrs White , especially when they could not get over to see her , and that it was a bit of a strain on them both because neither of them was ‘ in perfect health ’ .
21 ‘ Both Julie and Lizzie were experienced travellers and neither of them was foolhardy .
22 She also bought Frankie new clothes and Liza too , but neither of them was able to attend the funeral : they both had bad colds .
23 Because they had both anticipated , not a fight , but a long , hard ride neither of them was wearing a hauberk and as William levelled his lance Richard suddenly saw the danger he was in .
24 Neither of them was present before the judge , nor was any affidavit evidence to a contrary effect presented on their behalf .
25 They went , but neither of them was particularly hungry .
26 It was beginning to seem as if neither of them was ever to achieve their heart 's desires , even while making a success of other aspects of their lives .
27 Handed from one briskly obsequious waiter to another they found themselves tucked into an upholstered corner , served up with menus and dealt drinks that neither of them was conscious of having ordered .
28 Neither of them was young , and the thought of going to a place where everything including the language was different — apart from Slovene and German they spoke only Triestino — cast a deep gloom over them ; but they had no choice .
29 Neither of them was competent to do that type of business and they made an expensive mistake .
30 Neither of them was speaking sensibly .
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