Example sentences of "monetary and [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A World Bank official reported that the government had made considerable progress in monetary and exchange rate policies .
2 Capital flows are also influenced by uncertainty , and the influence of different monetary and exchange rate policies .
3 Further , in a currency union there can exist only one independent supplier of the union currency which will be responsible for the union 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
4 The EC has adopted the Report 's proposals that member countries ' currencies be replaced by a single European currency and that a European Central Bank , with responsibility for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies , be established .
5 Some have concentrated on emphasising the implications of member countries no longer being able to employ monetary and exchange rate policies in pursuit of domestic economic objectives .
6 Further , at the third stage the European central bank will assume complete responsibility for the union 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
7 In five years time from now it will have developed into an all powerful , constitutionally independent institution responsible for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies .
8 It operates the government 's monetary and exchange rate policy
9 It issues notes ; it acts as banker to the government , to the commercial banks , to various overseas central banks and to certain private customers ; it manages the government 's borrowing programme ; it supervises the activities of banks and other financial institutions ; it provides support to prevent banks getting into difficulties ; it operates the government 's monetary and exchange rate policy .
10 There are two other documents you have to consider in the monetary and evaluation exercise to see how successful we were in 1990 ninety one , one is called a partnership for quality and the other is called fairer shares , a programme towards an anti strategy .
11 Suffice to say that it became evident fairly soon that the existing monetary techniques of regulation were not sufficiently effective , and in 1957 a committee was set up by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to inquire into the working of the monetary and credit system in the UK .
12 Lukanov 's economic reform programme envisaged widespread privatization , land reform , an overhaul of the monetary and credit system , liberalization of foreign investment regulations and a new pricing policy .
13 De Franco said that President Chamorro wanted closer co-ordination of long-term monetary and credit policies and to ensure a better response from the credit system for production needs .
14 Further information : Annlies Wind International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies PO Box 36 , 1211 Geneva 21 , Switzerland
15 The signing , in the ZOO framework , of the World Monetary and Banking Assimilation Treaty ( WOMBAT ) has written them out of history .
16 The government has instruments , particularly monetary and debt policy , with which it can offset the aggregate effects of taxes .
17 Is it not extraordinary that the Leader of the Opposition is incapable of understanding that we might frequently find that monetary and interest rate policies were wholly inappropriate to the requirements of this country if we join a single European currency ?
18 He promised to work towards achieving Mongolian membership of the major international monetary and trade organizations , whilst at the same time stressing the importance of maintaining good relations with the Soviet Union and China .
19 Civil aviation , along with monetary and tariff policies , control over Middle East oil , and the continuation of Britain 's rubber trade , was a subject of considerable Anglo-American rivalry in terms of protectionism versus competition that was not resolved until the postwar period .
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