Example sentences of "dec. [num] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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31 ANC president Nelson Mandela indicated for the first time on Dec. 29 that the ANC would consider the possibility of guaranteeing white seats in a future parliament along the lines agreed under the 1979 Lancaster House settlement on Zimbabwean independence [ see pp. 30165-75 ] .
32 Political opposition intensified further on Dec. 29 after the government announced price rises of 20-30 per cent for food grains , including wheat and rice , in a move to check the growing budget deficit .
33 A spokesman for the World Bank said in Washington on Dec. 6 that a US$500,000,000 structural adjustment loan for India had been approved to support reforms in the state-controlled economy ; a further US$400,000,000 would be allocated in 1992 to help finance the streamlining of the public sector .
34 It was reported on Dec. 6 that the sale of fishing licences to foreign vessels had replaced sheep farming as the Falkland Islands ' biggest revenue earner .
35 President Lee Teng-hui announced on Dec. 25 that the government of the Republic of China ( Taiwan ) would formally rescind by the end of May 1991 the " temporary provisions effective during the period of Communist rebellion " .
36 Sarajevo airport was closed on Dec. 1 after a UN plane was hit by small-arms fire and remained closed for three weeks due to fighting .
37 The UK government announced on Dec. 1 that a further £1,200,000 in aid was being provided for reconstruction work , making a total of £4,200,000 .
38 It was reported on Dec. 1 that the authorities in the state of Louisiana had decided to ask the Supreme Court to review the state 's stringent anti-abortion law .
39 Canosa met the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , and claimed on Dec. 27 that the Russian government intended to end Cuba 's lifeline of economic subsidies and to speed up the withdrawal of Russian troops as part of its new policy towards Cuba .
40 US District Judge William Hoeveler ruled on Dec. 8 that the former Panamanian leader , Manuel Antonio Noriega , was a prisoner of war ; as such he was entitled to full protection under the Geneva Convention .
41 President Islam Karimov told parliament on Dec. 8 that the new Constitution guaranteed peace and consensus between citizens , created a society based on the rule of law , and recognized international law .
42 In discussions with the FMLN on Nov. 7-8 , the government gave a commitment to continue with a purge of 110 military officers accused of human rights abuses [ ibid. ] , and to dismantle three elite military battalions — the Atlacatl on Dec. 8 and the Atonal and Arce on Jan. 7 — in return for the FMLN beginning to destroy its weapons , under UN supervision , on Dec. 1 [ for evolution of peace process see pp. 38569-70 ; 38672 ; 38716 ; 38759 ; 38906 ; 39137 ] .
43 It was announced on Dec. 13 that the Trevi Group of Justice and Interior Ministers formed after the Trevi security conference of 1976 ( see pp. 34883 ; 36492 ) , had agreed to establish a joint police database for use primarily against international terrorism and drug dealing .
44 Brittan said , however , on Dec. 13 that the Commission would be examining the proposed deal .
45 The Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po reported on Dec. 15 that the military reshuffle under way since the end of the 14th CCP congress in October had been completed [ see pp. 39126-27 ; 39189 ] .
46 A committee of shaikhs representing Yemen 's highly armed traditional leaders was reported to have given a warning on Dec. 15 that the tribes would intervene unless order was restored .
47 It was reported on Dec. 9 that the outlawed North Kalimantan Communist Party had agreed to end its 30-year guerrilla struggle in the Sarawak jungles of Borneo .
48 Prime Minister John Major announced to the House of Commons on Dec. 9 that the Prince and Princess of Wales , who married in 1981 [ see p. 31116 ] , were to separate but that they had no plans to divorce and that their constitutional positions were unaffected , adding : " There is no reason why the Princess of Wales should not be crowned queen in due course . "
49 Tatarstan 's Supreme Soviet also declared on Dec. 28 that the autonomous republic was joining the CIS with the status of co-founder .
50 Le Monde reported on Dec. 20 that the Iraqi Industry and Military Industries Minister ( and acting Oil Minister ) , Brig. -Gen .
51 The Swiss government was to end the freeze on the Marcos family 's Swiss bank accounts on Dec. 20 unless the Philippines government had begun recovery proceedings there by that date .
52 The National Assembly on Dec. 19 and the Senate on Dec. 20 voted almost unanimously in favour of a Socialist Party motion that Fabius should stand trial , together with the former Minister for Social Affairs , Georgina Dufoix , and the former Secretary of State for Health , Edmond Hervé , on charges including manslaughter .
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