Example sentences of "approximately [num] per cent " in BNC.

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1 Taking into account the influence of a number of factors that affect levels of child mortality , including maternal age , one study demonstrated with results of data from developing countries that participated in the WFS , that elimination of fourth and higher order births ( i.e. , termination of childbearing at third parity ) would reduce infant and early childhood mortality by approximately eight per cent ( Trussell and Pebley , 1984 , p.29 ) .
2 A cooked breakfast is available and is chosen by approximately 75 per cent of resident students : the food cost averages £1.10p .
3 Notes : Participants can be expected to be in age range 25–55 , and approximately 75 per cent male .
4 Annually it is estimated that approximately 75 per cent of those aged 65 and over will visit their family doctor .
5 In the Czech Lands the turnout was approximately 75 per cent .
6 Depth of chest is approximately fifty per cent ( 50% , ) of the height of the dog .
7 This resulted in the issue of approximately 4.2 million new ordinary shares in our company , representing an increase of approximately 2.3 per cent in its issued share capital .
8 Approximately 70 per cent of the course is devoted to design and technology studies and 30 per cent to related studies .
9 ( 1989 ) , in their study of the evaluation of NHS nursing homes ; they reported that approximately 70 per cent of the nursing home population showed mild/severe dementia .
10 Approximately 70 per cent of development expenditure was to be financed from foreign assistance and loans .
11 Approximately 70 per cent of the students graduate with upper second class or first class degrees , providing a substantial pool of talent from which graduate students can be recruited .
12 Due to the greater degree of nationalisation which had taken place throughout Western Europe since the end of the war , it was discovered , in 1960 , that approximately forty per cent of the labour force was employed by the various governments .
13 This represented approximately 95.9 per cent of our issued ordinary share capital at that time .
14 Clinical experience has shown that the treatment approach can be used with approximately 30–40 per cent of patients referred to the general hospital after attempted suicide .
15 President Reagan 's claim that ‘ No other nation is in a position to deal with the key parties to the conflict on the basis of trust and reliability' jarred with assessments in early 1982 that no more than 0.5 per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank considered the United States was ‘ helpful ’ to the Palestinians in the search for a solution , and only approximately 2 per cent in the territories believed the United States was serious about a peaceful solution to the Middle East .
16 By previous standards they register a marked improvement and to this extent justify post-war hopes : in the interwar period GDP had grown at approximately 2 per cent p.a .
17 Millard ( 1988 ) estimates that on any day in 1981 the family doctor was caring for approximately 2 per cent of those aged 75 and over .
18 As elsewhere the impact of this assistance is difficult to assess , but state loans in Japan form approximately 12 per cent of outstanding loans to firms employing less than 300 workers .
19 Approximately 12 per cent out of the total population of 32,000,000 currently drew a pension , and the increase in the miminum benefit represented an estimated cost to the treasury of $1,200 million per year .
20 For example , if interest rates are currently 12 per cent on other equivalent assets , a £100 000 bill will be sold for approximately £97 000 , which will earn the purchaser an approximately 3 per cent rate of discount over the three months , which is equivalent to approximately 12 per cent per annum .
21 AMP has approximately 30 per cent of the life insurance and superannuation markets in Australia and is the largest manager of private retirement funds in that country and New Zealand .
22 By 1987 52 per cent of the West Bank and approximately 30 per cent of the Gaza Strip had been transferred to Jewish control .
23 The problem is also significant in China where there are c. 170 000 km 2 of desertified land , approximately 30 per cent of which has been created since 1920 ( Zhu Zhenda 1982 , quoted in Kebin and Kaiguo 1989 ) .
24 It was found that approximately 30 per cent of the map area was made up of polygons which did not agree with the initial map descriptions .
25 Three of these studies suggest , for the institutional elderly population as a whole , a prevalence rate of approximately 30 per cent ( Ames et al .
26 Garel Rhys , professor of motor industry economics at Cardiff University , believes the motor industry needs a boost , and suggests that car tax should be cut from approximately 10 per cent to 5 per cent .
27 Many are bronze mirrors with a normal tin content of approximately 10 per cent , which have been tinned to produce a silvery reflecting surface .
28 For instance , α-granule fibrinogen forms approximately 10 per cent of the total platelet protein ( Holmsen & Weiss , 1979 ) .
29 London , Liverpool and Glasgow lost some , but other cities including Edinburgh , Bristol and Cardiff increased their service-sector jobs by approximately 10 per cent and their information service jobs by 20–30 per cent .
30 The South accounts for approximately 10 per cent of world manufacturing capacity at present , and the Report 's objective was to raise this to 25 per cent by the year 2000 .
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