Example sentences of "chances [prep] [being] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She watched him search helplessly for a reply , the hysteria rising within her that he might have ruined her chances of being accepted by her family .
2 After Tuesday 's goings on , he frankly did not give a Castlemaine XXXX for his chances of being called to the rostrum .
3 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
4 To speculate a little further , suppose that a variant of a clay improves its own chances of being deposited , by damming up streams .
5 ‘ The chances of being libelled in a big way are probably much the same as winning the football pools , and the results are very much the same . ’
6 But , in support of the maternal depletion syndrome , perhaps contrary to popular belief , it appears from these data that a baby has better chances of being born alive to a woman in the 40–44 years age group if it is the first than the sixth or a higher order .
7 First , is it inevitable that political parties , not voters , should rank candidates on their lists , and thus decide which of them will have the best chances of being elected ?
8 The chances of being treated preferentially or even of being treated on a left-alone basis also depend critically on the level and pace of change of the technology involved and on the degree of concentration and competition in the sector ( Mytelka , 1979 ; Milner , 1988 ; Grosse , 1989 ) .
9 A young care-leaver 's chances of being made a housing priority vary from one in three in Scotland to one in four in a London borough or metropolitan authority , to only one in eight in the South of England .
10 In fact it took a series of political blunders on Callaghan 's part to spoil Labour 's chances of being re-elected , faute de mieux , as the responsible and sober ‘ party of government ’ : the seemingly endless postponement of the election while the party 's parliamentary position crumbled , requiring the prop of transparent chicanery ; the unenforceable wishful thinking of the 5 per cent pay limit , the last straw for the unions .
11 Don Peters had failed in his UK assignment and had effectively blown his chances of being moved further up the corporate ladder to a Vice Presidency and , maybe , to the Presidency itself .
12 In fact , Albany and Schwartz tell us , the Davy lamp enabled the managers of the mines to extend operations into seams with dangerous atmospheres , so when accidents did occur , the chances of being killed were far higher , This example sets the tone of the remainder of the book , which discusses more topical issues in science and how they are manipulated to serve one vested interest or another .
13 The chances of being killed in a road accident have almost halved since 1979 .
14 Some countries have a bad reputation for crime and expatriates are naturally concerned about their chances of being mugged or having their home burgled .
15 While the splendid John Devereux improved his chances of being named in today 's Great Britain touring squad to Australia , with a fine display from his old rugby union position of centre , they were without too many of their creative players to open a hard-tackling defence which absorbed the pressure and were always on the lookout for the counter-attack .
16 They have equal standing in the Bundestag , where they have the same chances of being appointed to committees and promoted to ministerial rank .
17 But from the viewpoint of any property-owner , an unpunished theft is a danger , increasing the chances of being robbed himself .
18 He is concerned that publicity over Paul 's death has made the Capital seem unsafe — when in fact the chances of being attacked and hurt are small .
19 I thought it unlikely that it would come to a showdown about me being a lesbian , but felt clear that the chances of being disciplined were high .
20 In the cab , on the way home , he had chatted inconsequentially — about the coming spring , mutual acquaintances , his chances of being picked to play cricket for England in Australia that winter .
21 Response to pleas for volunteers to carry the wounded was usually poor , and the troops at Verdun came to recognise that their chances of being picked up , let alone brought to medical succour were extremely slim .
22 Representing an action as predictable also implies seeing it as something potential , that is , as an action that has ( or had ) high chances of being performed , and not as an actuality .
23 So if you can get one you will have two chances of being paid instead of one .
24 This makes them even better because if there is a problem you will have two chances of being paid instead of one .
25 The depressing facts of the matter are that in those sectors still covered by the councils , areas like shops and catering and laundries , security and administration , people are already working punishing shifts for pittances because their employers know the chances of being caught dispensing illegal hourly rates are minimal as are the resultant fines in those few cases successfully brought to prosecution .
26 Accordingly they may marry early and begin a family quickly ; that will increase their chances of being allocated a council house through the points system , even though it reduces their chances of buying or renting privately ( Ineichen 1979a ) .
27 The chances of being raped are also high ( Brownmiller 1975 : 257–67 ; Davis 1970 ) .
28 Sending appropriate photographs can help the press release 's chances of being published although , if a picture helps the telling of the story , the newspaper will usually prefer to have its own photographer take pictures .
29 Any property of an organism that reduces its chances of being taken by a predator will be favoured by natural selection , as it will increase the organism 's chance of survival .
30 The survey tells us that the chances of being burgled are less than the risk of domestic fire and that the chances of robbery are smaller than those of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital — not that such statistics will be a lot of consolation to those who are burgled or robbed .
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