Example sentences of "dressed and go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I got dressed and went to the corner shop to nick three Wormy bars , but Brett and Damon snuck up behind and they said they 'd tell if I did n't give them a bar each .
2 Conway got dressed and went to the office .
3 Killion got dressed and went to the mess .
4 I got up , dressed and went for a walk , my limbs lethargic with the altitude , my brain sluggish after the disturbed night .
5 Sunday he can lie in bed till twelve , get up , get dressed and go for a drink , but my job never changes .
6 ‘ If you 're so concerned for his safety , had n't you better get dressed and go after him ? ’
7 Nine o'clock , a little late to get dressed and go in search of food , especially when she was n't in the mood to be sociable .
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