Example sentences of "brings i [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Which brings me on to the major bookshop sellers , led by two strong titles :
2 The blood leakage will dissipate eventually and the blurring will go away , but then there 'll be another leak , and another , and every time it happens it brings me closer to going blind one day . ’
3 and probab er probably Thursday morning as , as well , so I 'll probably have Thursday , Friday maybe Saturday , well , oh I should have , because by working on the games Thursday morning , that 's another three hours , that 's , brings me up to , twenty eight , yes twenty eight er er thirty one and er , I 'll , I 've got class top contacts time in the , in the afternoon , so that does n't count , Friday I 've got class , a two hour class , but er , tt , I 'll be working outside , in fact that class will be cancelled that day , so it 's er , so four hours that 's thirty six er , Saturday forty two , Tuesday erm tt , oh that week I 'll have a six for Wednesday er nine Thursday er twelve for Tuesday another twelve , plus the evening twelve , plus two , plus another six , that 's eight and a half , eighteen , another eighteen hours
4 And this brings me finally to the link between circumcision and menstrual taboo .
5 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
7 Well I was just tidying myself up , och just a week lick of lipstick and a puffa blusher basically when I noticed that my mascara was on its last legs so I had to remind myself to stop by at Frazers Innoxa counter as any other tearproof bar theirs brings me out in lumps , so to cut a long story short I just nicked in the sidedoor — honest to god I was festooned with carriers laden down like a workhouse donkey — and I 'd to cut through the shoe department .
8 Which brings me back to Mr Kinnock .
9 It brings me back to the Nicklaus chain , and how a shot can swing an Open .
10 The memory of Nancy brings me back to the question that occupied me so much , what was it about the Centre that could transform misery , bitterness and hatred into love and hope , and possibly even happiness , all in the space of fourteen days ?
11 Which brings me back to the sermon with which I started .
12 This brings me back to one of the many things shared by all three races .
13 One can fly for less than that in the USA , which brings me back to that vexed question .
14 Which brings me back to that word — discretion .
15 This brings me back to my main theme , the need for more concentrated and co-ordinated work on manufacture and distribution , for without it , we will never fully understand the history of the development of the coarse wares , stylistically or chronologically .
16 And that brings me back to my original point .
17 ‘ It can be , ’ he agreed , ‘ which brings me back to your pictures .
18 That brings me back to the earlier part of our debate , from which we now know that the Labour and the Liberal Democrat parties want absolutely no constraints on the ability of a local authority to raise whatever level of tax it decides .
19 That brings me back to my earlier point about the importance of considering giving compensation in such circumstances and perhaps introducing a new code of compensation .
20 I would n't define integrated and balanced individually , I 'd link them together , because to me they appear to be er a concept , that you move towards , and the concept to me is shall we say to provide a balanced population structure , which is n't biased to any one sector shall we say , it 's not an elderly , it 's not a retirement village there like perhaps you have in er certain parts of er er North America , and the second element of the concept is that it should provide a range of services compatible with its size , but I qualify that by saying , but not all the services that the people in that settlement require , and this brings me back to my discussion , debate with Mr Curtis .
21 ‘ People have suggested to me that changes have been coming more rapidly than they would like but that brings me back to the feeling that people intrinsically do n't like change .
22 Once again it brings me in to the point where er double glazers have to go and measure up then do their , I know they 've got lovely lap tops I 've seen them now with their lap top comp their little samples there special catches here .
23 Which brings me really to the factors which I give the most weight to .
24 That brings me naturally to the scribblings of the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) .
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