Example sentences of "brings it [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 And with the wine that brings it up to about eight pounds .
2 The mother wasp goes out of her burrow , catches and kills a bee ( by stinging ) , and brings it back to the burrow .
3 For instance , we may be setting Dryden 's Song for Saint Cecilia 's Day and wish to abbreviate the following verse by cutting out less important material : We could reduce this to the following , which retains the important parts of the above , keeps the message exactly the same , but brings it down to more manageable proportions from a musical standpoint :
4 That brings it down to a hundred and ninety six for the first year .
5 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
6 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
7 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
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