Example sentences of "occurred [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Davies injury occurred as the former U S and British Open champion was diving for a catch .
2 James Anderson , of Jarrow , asks how we managed to miss the series of disasters at nuclear power stations that occurred in the former Soviet Union during the mid-1990s , causing the flight of tens of millions of people towards western Europe and triggering the ‘ Refugee Wars ’ of 1995–96 .
3 The case would go to appeal on the issue of whether West German law could apply to events which occurred in the former East German state .
4 One of the most important of these ‘ eruptions ’ occurred in the latter decades of the nineteenth and early decades of the present century when the fabulous wealth of plants in the Chinese hinterland was made known to the West by French missionaries and British and European hunters .
5 On weekdays , a further peak occurred in the half hour before noon , but demand then dropped over the lunchtime period until 13.00 , when it started to climb once more , reaching a peak at 14.15–14.30 , after which it declined gradually until the end of the day .
6 NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE — measures the chance of death during the first month of life ; it is calculated as the number of deaths under 28 days of age ( or under one month ) during a specified time period per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same period .
7 PERINATAL MORTALITY RATION — The annual number of late fetal deaths plus infant deaths during the early neonatal period ( sometimes infant deaths during the first month of life ) per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same year .
8 In the context of the May 1990 preliminary talks between the African National Congress ( ANC ) and the government [ see p. 37440 ] , two other notable encounters between the nationalist movement and the white establishment occurred in the same month : ( i ) on May 23 the ANC met liberal representatives of the business community in Johannesburg , during which ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela , in what was seen as an attempt to reassure investors , declared that the ANC did not have a blueprint for nationalization ; at the conclusion of the conference , with the former chairman of the company Anglo American , Gavin Relly , he emphasized the need to abolish institutionalized inequalities and to redistribute resources equally ; and ( ii ) on May 24 fighters from the ANC 's armed wing and members of the ANC national executive committee ( NEC ) met with retired and serving officers of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , military conscripts and , among others , members of the End Conscription Campaign at a conference in Lusaka , the Zambian capital ; these discussions included the structure and role of a post-apartheid defence force .
9 As early as 1952 ( the first British atomic test occurred in the same year ) the defence planners produced a new and detailed analysis — the " Global Strategy Paper " .
10 This effect did not depend on oesophageal acidification as it occurred to the same extent with both pH + and pH - common cavity episodes .
11 It is ironic that this prohibition occurred at the same time as several well-designed research studies were clearly demonstrating the efficacy of ECT .
12 Parallel procedural changes occurred at the same time in the Senate , but other factors were at work there too .
13 Another interpretation is that metamorphism occurred at the same time , or post-dated thrusting , and that the frictional heating produced during thrusting contributed to the partial melting of the crust and the intrusion of granitic rocks .
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