Example sentences of "to believe [conj] [noun pl] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 There is a tendency for more junior staff to believe that reports should be made public and that the next report should again deal with the whole school rather than some part or aspect only .
2 It must also be remembered , however , that there is every reason to believe that dunes will represent the interaction between local wind and sand conditions and the resultants of short term and long term changes in these conditions .
3 However , given that such maps exist , I find it hard to believe that distances could be estimated by a method analogous to using Pythagoras ' theorem .
4 When Peter Adamson wrote the NI 's first editorial back in 1973 he would have found it hard to believe that things could get much worse in the field of trade — but they have .
5 The styles and values of both employees and managers currently support a job design philosophy that has its roots in work study and industrial engineering practice , and it flies in the face of conventional wisdom to believe that jobs can actually be designed rather than simply be the result of technologically determined requirements .
6 Given the substantial experience that many schools have built up of alternative timetabling structures — through the provision of BTEC courses , for instance , or CPVE , or through modular and cyclical courses under TVEI — it is hard to believe that schools will not take the opportunity of reviewing present practice to reflect more closely what we know about effective learning .
7 Nevertheless a handful of American politicians , writers and others were coming to believe that situations could arise wherein close , if not formal , co-operation with Britain might be appropriate .
8 This is a very serious matter the election to Labour 's shadow cabinet and I do not want to believe that men would deliberately spoil their vote .
9 But as she began to believe that men could be gentle , caring and sensitive , such men appeared as if by magic !
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