Example sentences of "fallen to [num] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The war years had seen a boom in cocoa prices : in 1938 cocoa earned £5½ million for 300 000 long tons ; by 1948 , because of disease , production had fallen to 200 000 tons but earnings had increased to £41 million .
2 Today , under assault from wine , that 's fallen to thirty four million , two hundred and twenty pints a beer each now , nearly three hundred a decade ago .
3 About one hundred seconds after the big bang , the temperature would have fallen to one thousand million degrees , the temperature inside the hottest stars .
4 Major job losses came in manufacturing where , in 1972 , there were 81 000 jobs in Northern Tyneside ; by 1984 , this had fallen to 53 000 , a loss of more than a third .
5 But a decade later , numbers had fallen to three million and the YHA was in crisis .
6 German steel production had peaked in 1974 at over 53 million tons , in 1979 it was 46 million but by 1983 it had fallen to 36 million .
7 While continuing a policy of pushing up rents , the Government began to curtail expenditure on the housing benefit scheme , and by 1987–8 the numbers claiming rent rebates had fallen to 3.7 million , and those claiming rate rebates to 7.1 million .
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