Example sentences of "unlikely that [indef pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 If one were starting a fast-food outlet aimed at selling sausages of various sorts and sizes prepared in different ways , it is unlikely that one would wish to open one 's new premises under the name of the proprietor ; ‘ Alan Pannett 's Sausage Cafe ’ , for instance , hardly has an impressive ring about it for marketing and promotion of this new product and business venture .
2 Of course it is extremely unlikely that EVERYONE will start loving the Jesus way , but that 's no reason why YOU should n't start .
3 Erm , the rule of evidence is that it is inherently unlikely that anybody would make a statement against their own interest unless it was true .
4 And er of course in retirement , it 's unlikely that anybody will be paying higher rate tax , unless you 've been very lucky on your pension provision .
5 As Professor Housman used to say , ‘ Stand on a barrel in the streets of Baghdad and say twice two are four and ginger is hot in the mouth and therefore Mohammed is the prophet of God , and it is unlikely that anyone would question your reasoning ; but if he should be bold enough to do so , you could easily silence him by calling him a Christian dog . ’
6 It was probably about ten o'clock at night , and if he yelled it was unlikely that anyone would hear him .
7 Apart from anything else , it is unlikely that anyone would have been able to develop the various forms of ‘ magic ’ that allow my word-processor to work .
8 ‘ Oh yes , it did , ’ said Lili , ‘ though , mind you , I think it highly unlikely that anyone would tell you on your wedding day that you looked the most frightful frump — not , ’ she added hastily , ‘ that you did .
9 It seemed unlikely that anyone would choose to live in this out-of-the-way place without some form of transport — if she had n't been so nervous , that would have occurred to her earlier , she thought wryly .
10 It is unlikely that anyone will give full or truthful answers in an interview to questions that concern sensitive , embarrassing or possibly criminal aspects of their lives .
11 They are listed in their professional register , and while it 's unlikely that anyone will look you up , it 's possible .
12 If sentences , such as those in ( 32 ) , are not ungrammatical , it is still very unlikely that anyone will ever want to use them in practice : ( 32 ) Burke murdered many citizens dead the fire burned many priceless tomes burnt However , there are plenty of others where the state is less immediately predictable , and of course examples have already been given in ( 1 ) , ( 10 ) , ( 13 ) and so on .
13 And , as Robin Powell reports , it 's unlikely that anyone will want to try it again .
14 While the works going on , it 's unlikely that anyone will notice much evidence of the renovation , as Playhouse spokesperson , Nicola Russell explained .
15 It is unlikely that anyone could be sentimental about such places — or ever quite unlock their hold on a distant stratum of the imagination .
16 If the first retailer has only been in business a short time before the second retailer opens his store then it is unlikely that anything can be done .
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