Example sentences of "widely [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was widely recognized to be a very important contribution to quantum theory , and it won him the Nobel Prize in 1922 .
2 The Dutch are widely expected to be the first to try it .
3 Chuter was widely expected to be offered the new position , and Spracklen believes that his offer to take it on unpaid was ‘ an embarrassment ’ to the ARA .
4 Nevertheless , although possessing a less extensive grant of power , the Commission was widely expected to be the dynamic element in further moves towards integration .
5 Gamsakhurdia 's term was to last only until direct presidential elections which the Supreme Soviet scheduled for May 26 , but he was widely expected to be returned to office .
6 In December he supported the formation of a new Moslem organization ( the Association of Moslem Intellectuals ) , which united a broad spectrum of Moslem interests and was widely expected to be the basis of support for his candidacy in 1993 [ see p. 37919 ] .
7 Also replaced in the ensuing Cabinet reshuffle was Petroleum Resources Minister Jibril Aminu , who was widely expected to be a candidate in the presidential elections scheduled for Dec. 5 .
8 The next step in that process is widely expected to be the sale next week of Cockburn 's of Leith , a wine merchant subsidiary .
9 Jiang is widely expected to be named China 's president in addition to his current post during the annual meeting of the National People 's Congress that begins on Monday .
10 Winner of the South African Grand Prix on Sunday , Prost had been widely expected to be banned for one or more races or heavily fined .
11 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock is widely claimed to be the first comet discovered by an orbiting observatory — the Infrared Astronomical Satellite , IRAS .
12 Priestley 's most famous addition in 1774 is widely claimed to be oxygen .
13 The number of deaths from asthma in England and Wales is widely reported to be about 2000 a year .
14 One favourite medium of attack in Iraq was the newspaper cartoon , with spectacularly uncomplimentary portrayals in the Baath Party newspaper al-Thawrah of the three chief objects of the leadership 's hostility — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin , Syria 's President Hafez al-Asad and of course Khomeini , on one occasion presented , at a time when Iran was widely reported to be cutting oil prices to boost sales volume , as a door-to-door kerosine street pedlar calling out , ‘ Naft !
15 But last year , when the team announced a sponsorship deal with TSB , he was widely reported to be 42 .
16 For instance , did you know that on average they have increased spending on books and equipment by ninety percent and that sixty percent of schools employ at least one more teacher and many employ more classroom support staff and that morale among teachers is widely reported to be higher , even where before those teachers opposed grant maintained status .
17 In that year the Cohen Committee succinctly explained how this state of affairs had come about : ‘ [ t ] he illusory nature of the control theoretically exercised by the shareholders over directors has been accentuated by the dispersion of capital among an increasing number of small shareholders who pay little attention to their investments so long as satisfactory dividends are forthcoming , who lack sufficient time , money and experience to make full use of their rights as occasion arises and who are , in many cases , too numerous and too widely dispersed to be able to organise themselves ’ .
18 AT 30 , Daldry is widely considered to be an inspired choice as the artistic director-designate of the Royal Court , London 's embattled home of new writing .
19 Because it makes public that which should stay hidden , pornography is widely considered to be a form of sexual propaganda .
20 One of the main reasons for the Soviet failure to undermine Latin American reliance on Western imports is that Soviet industrial machinery and equipment is widely considered to be inferior in quality to its capitalist produced counterparts .
21 Les Menuires was our next stop — widely considered to be one of France 's ugliest resorts .
22 Although involved in organising , promoting and initiating a range of small business related schemes , the London Enterprise Agency sees the London Enterprise Programme as its ‘ most notable activity … widely considered to be the best of its kind ’ ( London Enterprise Agency Annual Report , December , 1984 ) .
23 Bush 's public and deliberate linking of the " occupied " West Bank with East Jerusalem was greeted with near unanimous condemnation in Israel , where Israeli control over the whole of the " " eternal " capital " was widely considered to be an irreversible fact .
24 However , the fact that the issue was raised at all by a US President , and in such an unequivocal manner , was widely considered to be of great significance .
25 During his eight years as Premier Cain 's government , widely considered to be relatively free from financial corruption , had prohibited nuclear warships , decriminalized brothels , enacted freedom of information legislation , reformed licensing laws and increased expenditure on education .
26 Although the charge carried a maximum penalty of one year 's imprisonment and a $100,000 fine , Barry 's sentence was widely considered to be harsh for a first offence .
27 Atwater , who was thought likely to be given a ceremonial party post , was widely considered to be one of the key architects of Bush 's 1988 presidential election victory , but was suffering from an inoperable brain tumour .
28 An end to the worst bloodshed in recent years and the prospect of national peace and increased democracy was widely considered to be dependent on the successful outcome of three events taking place simultaneously .
29 Speaking to the Empire State Black Arts and Cultural Festival in Albany , New York , on July 20 , Jeffries made statements which were widely considered to be racist and anti-semitic .
30 He was known to have developed a huge network of patronage , and was widely considered to be the most powerful of the opposition candidates .
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