Example sentences of "partly because it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Devonport has claimed its original bid was provoked partly because it believed the navy intended to centralise nuclear refitting at Rosyth , thus undermining Devonport 's future , and is insistent that its proposal was unsolicited .
2 The content of the poem ought to be taken with several pinches of salt , partly because it belonged to the genre of boasting poem known as the gap which was a standard form of troubadour verse , and partly because William liked to mock himself as well as others .
3 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
4 The system was the last shadow of the original shield in space , pursued partly because it contained exciting high technology , partly because it might possibly offer some worthwhile advantages , and partly because it could be used to show that Mr Bush had not turned his back on Mr Reagan 's dream .
5 The exception was clothing , which bucked the trend of the rest of the UK textile industry partly because it supplies Marks & Spencer , and partly because it makes very little in the UK .
6 When he was approached at the end of 1987 to become the Pru 's finance director he was tempted away , partly because the tremendous growth of PW had created ‘ more of a loss of identity as individual partners ’ and partly because it offered a new and exciting role .
7 The ‘ democratic-participant ’ media theory is also the result of recent debates on media issues though this theory is ‘ difficult to formulate , partly because it lacks full legitimation and incorporation into media institutions and partly because some of its tenets are … to be found ’ elsewhere .
8 This is partly because it began trying to sell to government schools only a year ago , and partly because it would prefer not to give its machines away .
9 In a sense , this was a line which had been followed by John Hunter ; but his heirs in Britain had not pursued it , partly because of a national aversion to the vivisection which seemed a necessary part of it and partly because it seemed materialistic .
10 But the rise of the PLO made the whole issue more dangerous and complex , partly because it became unclear whether the majority of people in the West Bank wanted either Jordan or the PLO back , and partly because Jordan 's East Bank population was 40 per cent Palestinian .
11 However , it retreated from this position , partly because it feared strong adverse reaction particularly from its political Right , and also because it had seriously underestimated the number of Arabs in Gaza , at 100,000–150,000 when it was nearer 280,000 .
12 Home burials are particularly important to children , partly because it helps them to understand that the pet has gone forever and also because seeing their parents ' sorrow teaches them that it 's normal and acceptable to grieve .
13 The reference to developed socialism had in the end been retained , Gorbachev explained , partly because it figured in the programmes of other ruling parties , but mainly because the term had been misrepresented .
14 Partly for tourist reasons but partly because it does in fact provide quite a good service .
15 However , the NGC said this route had already been rejected , partly because it meant a concentration of lines at Norton .
16 The government had to retreat over a plan to sell British Leyland trucks to America 's General Motors — partly because of a rooted popular affection for Britain 's ‘ Land Rovers ’ , partly because it had the air of a Westland mark II .
17 The company , which is a wholly owned subsidiary of AGB Research , had been chosen by Ben Lowe partly because it had done market research for other papers , including an abortive workers ' co-operative , the Scottish Daily News .
18 In the late 1980s , the European steel industry had an enormous over-capacity , partly because it had been undercut by Korean , Japanese , and other producers in the Pacific , partly because of a wave of added Italian steel capacity in the 1970s .
19 One reason for this is that suitable up-to-date information on employment , prices , etc. may not be immediately available , partly because it takes time for such data to be collated .
20 Poulantzas ' reply to this criticism is instructive , partly because it tells us more about pertinent effects themselves , but also because it casts light on his general approach .
21 The exception was clothing , which bucked the trend of the rest of the UK textile industry partly because it supplies Marks & Spencer , and partly because it makes very little in the UK .
22 Academically the traits approach has been very largely discredited , partly because of its lack of precision and partly because it has demonstrably not worked in identifying the most effective leaders , yet it is still the most commonly used approach .
23 Official figures now show that adult training centres are full , partly because there are not enough centres and places , and partly because it has become increasingly difficult to place mentally handicapped people with firms on a full-time basis .
24 He explained that the district hospital has developed a strong sense of community service , partly because it has always had to find ways of reaching a scattered population .
25 As a mineral , corundum has proved its value to man partly as an abrasive , which allowed it to play a key role in the shaping of jade , and partly because it has contributed two of the most keenly sought after transparent coloured gems , sapphire and ruby .
26 One recent line of research has involved the investigation of pottery distributions as a possible indicator of a town 's market area , partly because of its abundance and partly because it has been observed that pottery was not normally dispersed through permanent retail outlets .
27 ‘ A company which has grown in the past two or three years may have been unable to move to larger premises , partly because it has been unable to pass on its present lease .
28 In theory , the committees were to provide opportunities for skilled and apprenticed employment , though members admitted that formal apprenticeship , at least , was not always possible , partly because it appeared to many observers that machines had eradicated a number of handicrafts , turning the worker into a ‘ machine-tending artisan ’ , and partly because ‘ skill ’ was a relative concept , demanding different degrees of training .
29 This was partly because it proved so difficult to crush or even to assess the strength of the ‘ People 's Will ’ .
30 Even ‘ Batman ’ , supposedly one of the most successful films of all time , has not officially made a net profit — partly because it paid around $50m to Jack Nicholson .
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