Example sentences of "to try [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is my responsibility to try to include something for everyone .
2 Designing experiments to check these possibilities is n't easy , and it took us several years , through the early 1970s , to try to eliminate one after the other .
3 If I 'd had control over everything I would have had a full Wales tour in the summer and then we would n't have needed to have the practice games , but as it is we are giving them the advantage and I wanted to try to do something about that . ’
4 It is now incumbent on everybody looking after patients following a myocardial infarct to try to reason out what caused the condition and to try to do something about stopping it .
5 Rebecca believed that Lissa could bring about her downfall , and she was almost bound to try to do something about it .
6 The answer to the first problem is obviously to try to do something about your domestic traffic problems .
7 Putting out a hand to pick up her brush , intending to try to do something about her limp blonde hair , Laura gave a yelp of dismay as she caught sight of the time on her wrist-watch .
8 In order to observe this and to try to understand something of what life in the movement was like at first hand — and , of course , to try to observe the operation of sociological variables such as social control — I lived for several periods of a week or so , over a span of six years , in Unification centres and participated in various of their functions .
9 Events in Eastern Europe will affect all farmers and growers so it is important to try to understand something of the problems .
10 He got talking to a man called Mac he met while listening to Vivaldi in Regent 's Park and they agreed to try playing something in one of the Baker Street concourses .
11 It is in fact to be very dogmatic and to try to say something about every other way of knowledge , and every other thing to be known .
12 It is , therefore , appropriate for the liquidator , when he thinks that he may be under a duty to try to recover something from some officer or employee of a company , or some other person who is , in some way , concerned with the company 's affairs , to be able to discover , with as little expense as possible and with as much ease as possible , the facts surrounding any such possible claim .
13 The probationers told him to remember that every minute he was getting a little better , and Ward Sister told him not to make any effort , and not to try to take anything by the mouth .
14 At one extreme , it is possible to try to commit everything on the tape to paper .
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