Example sentences of "run [prep] local [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The organisers say kite-flying is a green sport and the event ties in with a workshop course run for local schoolchildren on the arts and the environment .
2 These are mostly run by local authorities , but some are privately owned and/or denominational .
3 The majority of crematoria are run by local authorities .
4 About 250,000 people live in residential homes , which are run by local authorities , charities or private companies .
5 Their advice follows a decision by John MacGregor , Secretary of State for Education , to delay proposals for a national appraisal scheme , run by local authorities under strict guidelines .
6 At present , many residential homes for adults run by local authorities have over 25 residents , whereas it is felt that no residential homes should have more than twenty-five places and that it would be much better if the average size was much lower .
7 That was the first of many abscondings from establishments which were run by local authorities .
8 Some homes are still religious and dependent on the church , some are run by local authorities , and others are a combination of both .
9 City centre lodging houses and ‘ casual wards ’ run by local authorities housed many thousands of vagrants at night , but during the Second World War , when work became plentiful , the numbers dropped to a few thousand .
10 It was a combination of pressure from the Consumers ’ Association ; the introduction of more consumer protection legislation ; the injection of national government funding and the reorganisation of local government in 1974 that led to the establishment of some 110 Consumer Advice Centres run by local authorities by the end of 1976 .
11 Municipal theatres , which are an essential part of arts provision in this country , are funded and run by local authorities .
12 First , the Secretary of State told the Committee and the House that the new form of community care , which will be run by local authorities , would have the extraordinary advantage that people in the locality who knew the scene would make the decisions .
13 Courses are also run by local authorities around the country , and private training agencies and college courses are available .
14 However , the playgroup run by local parents had not been the success for Balbinder that we had hoped .
15 There was very much a ‘ municipal ’ theme to our function this year as we celebrated the contribution made to civilisation by car parks run by local councils .
16 The Labour party is always huffing and puffing about privatisation and independence , but it believes that every school in the country should be run by local councils and inspected by those councils .
17 The Bill which had its second reading yesterday would bring in compulsory competitive tendering ( CCT ) for the management of houses currently run by local councils .
18 These classes are usually run by local midwives , health visitors , or within the local health centre , or by the National Childbirth Trust .
19 In Sudan , for example , farmers wanting to sell their animals are charged Sudan 8 ( $3.20 ) per head of cattle in markets run by local municipalities .
20 The first race was run by local lads — miners from the surrounding pits — but not including Amos and Fred who must have thought better of it !
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