Example sentences of "run [prep] [art] local " in BNC.

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1 The Labour leadership is keen to separate the issues of one member , one vote and the controversy surrounding the reselection in Birkenhead which has been run under the local electoral college rules approved by the party conference .
2 Well we it was run from a local church but erm
3 We camped at a hostel near Maralal , run by a local company Yare Safaris .
4 It is now run by a local catering college providing a very friendly service with limited but tasty dishes ranging from an English breakfast platter to good old jacket potatoes ( well filled ) or steak butty .
5 Local schemes were run by a local duty solicitor committee , whose functions included that of considering applications from those wishing to act as duty solicitors .
6 The raid was on the Princes Risborough branch of the Halifax Building Society run by a local firm of solicitors .
7 She 'd entered and won a competiton run by a local photographer , Colin Wakeham .
8 Even as a child growing up in the Fifties , she and her sister , Marlene , preferred to spend their sixpence pocket money on animal welfare classes run by a local RSPCA inspector rather than go to the cinema .
9 Ed had entered a draw run by a local record store .
10 Alison Maunsell , ACET 's East Midlands regional co-ordinator based in Northampton , has been invited to join H.I.V. T.E.S.P.I. ( Training , Education , Support & Public Initiative ) , a forum run by the local health authority .
11 Palestinian flags would be raised on minarets and church spires , road blocks would again be erected , and life in all its aspects would once again be run by the local leadership .
12 The Labour leader and his closest advisers had decamped to a country hotel run by the local council while his own terraced house in Blackwood was being used a committee rooms for the duration of the campaign .
13 In 1904 , at a meeting in Glasgow , she had proposed the establishment of a national system of ‘ Educational Information and Employment Bureaux ’ to be run by the local authorities .
14 Apart from special interest groups , like the Royal Horticultural Society and the National Trust , there are courses run by the local authority , with reduced rates for senior citizens , and there are many voluntary organisations that need help .
15 ‘ At this present moment they are engaged in a fully comprehensive training course using the systems run by the local college , on which I took the liberty of enrolling them .
16 That pattern has continued : a majority of the centres now in operation are run by the local authority , and the rest are independent , many either run by or associated with Shelter .
17 The 16-year-old , who can not be named for legal reasons , was granted bail at Sunderland , Tyne and Wear , on condition he stayed at a residential school run by the local authority until his next court appearance on October 7 .
18 Phone cards have done a lot to alleviate the problem , but British Telecommunications Plc is required by its licence to maintain coin-operated public telephones as well , and the company reckons that smashing and entering of the cash boxes costs it £19m a year — and if you think that it 's all just casual vandalism , think again — the company told the Daily Mail that there was actually a man offering courses on the best ways of clawing open the boxes quickly and easily — he charged £80 for the course , and then took the best pupil out for a test run around the local boxes .
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