Example sentences of "smile that [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now that 's an idea , ’ he agreed slowly , giving her a cold smile that lifted his lips , but did not quite reach his eyes .
2 She did n't see Travis lift his head to look down at her sleeping form , nor the strange little smile that twisted his lips before he lay down again , tucking her body closely into the warmth of his .
3 Shelley gave him a smile that deflated his compliment without being ungracious .
4 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she shouted , and did n't at all like the smile that crossed his features .
5 The only smile that crossed his lips all afternoon was when he saw someone knocked out .
6 Lissa thrust her belongings back into her jacket , bending her head to hide from him the secretive smile that touched her lips .
7 He smiled , a slow , charming smile that made her blood turn to water .
8 ‘ Oh , Hilly , Hilly , ’ he breathed — and then he smiled , a beautiful , slow lopsided smile that made her heart turn over .
9 Luke shook his head , his mouth curled into the kind of annoying smile that made her fingers itch to slap it away .
10 He drew back and gave her a smile that made her blood thicken .
11 A hard smile touched his mouth , a smile that made her heart skip beats .
12 She turned to stare at him and saw that he was smiling — a twisted smile that made her colour rise quickly .
13 He turned to look at her , and the sweet , warm smile that lit his face made her heart contract .
14 He was smiling , if that could be called a smile that drew his long mouth out of line , plucking the left corner obliquely upwards .
15 ‘ But , ’ he added with a smile that softened his refusal but did not change it , ‘ I 'm still not playing hide and seek . ’
16 Jake smiled fleetingly , an affectionate smile that softened his features .
17 She imagined he was going to make a move towards her , but what he did was to hitch the child closer to him until his face was almost pressed against his own and then he smiled a smile that widened his full lips but , as she had seen before , did not separate his teeth .
18 She smiled now , a smile that put her friend at ease .
19 With a slow smile that gave his face quite extraordinary charm , he picked up his bowl , waved a languid hand , then turned and ambled back across the garden , his borrowings clutched ridiculously to his large chest .
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