Example sentences of "ought not to be " in BNC.

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1 A great writer can have , at a particular time , a pernicious or merely deadening influence ; and this influence can be most effectively attacked by pointing out those faults which ought not to be copied , and those virtues any emulation of which is anachronistic .
2 Practice Richard Ashworth and ors v Berkeley-Walbrook Ltd ; CA ( Russell , Stuart-Smith LJJ ) ; 27 Sept 1989 As a general rule , where a counterclaim could properly be relied on as a set-off and where it arose out of the same subject matter as the claim , the counterclaiming defendant ought not to be required to give security for costs of that counterclaim unless there were exceptional circumstances .
3 The words ‘ reasonably satisfied ’ and ‘ substantially fewer ’ are selected deliberately ; for the alternative is so grave that the choice ought not to be made on only a narrow margin of evidence or probability .
4 Charles was taking the job a long way from the safe arena of charitable patronage and ribbon-cutting and into politically dangerous areas , where constitutionally , he ought not to be .
5 Despite huge debts and a still disproportionate reliance on farming , an enviable record of strong growth and low inflation matches an appetite for change that ought not to be surprising in a society where half the population is under 28 ( and more than half the nuns and priests are over 60 ) .
6 This ought not to be the case .
7 Another question is whether the criminal law ought not to be wider in its application to activities which carry some risk of causing death than in other spheres .
8 However , the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment , which reviewed the matter thoroughly in the early 1950s , and later law-reform committees have accorded preference to the ‘ general principle ’ that ‘ persons ought not to be punished for consequences of their acts which they did not intend or foresee ’ .
9 The counter-argument is that peaceful protest is one thing but violent protest crosses the boundaries of acceptability ; the value of physical integrity is such that violence and threats of violence ought not to be downgraded simply because their origins lie in some political protest .
10 The rallying point for the counter-attack against the deployment of sexuality ought not to be sex-desire but bodies and pleasures . ’
11 ‘ The comparing power , the judgement , is not at that age active , and ought not to be forcibly excited — ’ You do n't like this ?
12 The Abbess of Barking complained that her wood of Alderfen , belonging to her manor of Tollesbury , had been recalled into the Forest of Essex , ‘ although she says the wood is not in the forest and ought not to be ’ .
13 He added : ‘ It is more important than the general election itself that we maintain a constitution that has served us well for generations , and ought not to be lightly tampered with for party political purposes in the midst of the general election . ’
14 So bleak are the prospects that I heard one media journalist muttering that the ITC ought not to be advertising the franchise at all .
15 Those that are at the sharp end of developments should get immediate feedback when criticisms arise but the relaying of complaints ought not to be an exercise in apportionment of blame .
16 Nevertheless , the significance of this development ought not to be exaggerated .
17 Earlier we find little trace of it generally , and so we ought not to be surprised to find it missing from the ordinary Person 's consciousness of time in those days .
18 But his course-work ought not to be irredeemably F. If the teacher is any good , he should be teaching his pupils all the time , so as to improve their historical understanding and their powers of accurate expression , to raise them from F to E and D and beyond .
19 The fundamental message of the Bible , with its portrayal of the love of God for every individual and of the unity of those who are ‘ in Christ ’ through baptism , suggests that there ought not to be any distinctions in Church rules on grounds of gender .
20 These sorts of courses are needed by anyone who keeps animals , and you ought not to be allowed to keep animals unless you have attended such a course .
21 A final warning ought not to be worded vaguely .
22 They are commemorated by a plaque on the alms-houses at nearby Burraton Combe , given in 1726 by James Buller ‘ … whose glorious memory as well as illustrious favours ought not to be forgotten but kept , as t is hoped they will be , in everlasting remembrance . ’
23 ‘ It 's all wrong , ’ said the woman , ‘ they ought not to be in white homes .
24 It has been suggested that bonfires , which not only cause objectionable odours and smoke , but also release polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into the atmosphere which in sufficient concentrations could constitute a health hazard , ought not to be permitted between certain set hours .
25 He replied that since the words put forward related to the past the later debts ought not to be considered to be in the legacy .
26 If a personal creditor of the heir has been sent into possession in order to protect his property , and has obtained an object left under trust to me , it is agreed that I ought not to be prejudiced by him in any way ; no more than if he had received that object as a pledge from the heir himself .
27 Celsus : I think the price of the office ought not to be paid unless the legatee has shown that the testator intended him to receive the price of the office again , even after payment had been made .
28 Christopher of Hapsburg was clearly a man of delicate sensibilities , for he adds the comment , ‘ This process ought not to be directed against Christians . ’
29 Hart in his book Law , Liberty and Morality ( 1963 ) argued that the law was not and ought not to be a tool for ‘ the enforcement of morals ’ , in particular in the field of sexual morals , where the activities condemned may ‘ involve nothing that would ordinarily be thought of as harm to other persons ’ .
30 When it came up for its third reading on 21 June it was referred to a select committee who on 18 July reported that they were of the opinion that the bill ought not to be proceeded with .
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