Example sentences of "ought [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have sometimes been astonished to hear the contemptuous manner in which Europeans in the Indies speak of [ Mughal architecture ] , ’ he writes , adding of the Delhi Jama Masjid : ‘ I grant that this building is not constructed according to those rules of architecture which we seem to think ought to be implicitly followed ; yet I can see no fault that offends taste .
2 ‘ The imagination is the distinguishing characteristic of man as a progressive being ; and I repeat that it ought to be carefully guided and strengthened as the indispensable means and instrument of continued amelioration and refinement . ’
3 He once shocked Bonar Law , who took a rather more respectful view of money matters , by saying that ‘ a man who made a million quick ought to be not in the Lords but in gaol ’ .
4 The time has come when the fact ought to be generally admitted that the amount of government … which is necessary to the welfare or even to the existence of a civilised community , can not permanently co-exist with the effective belief that deference to public opinion is in all cases the sole or the necessary basis of a democracy .
5 While there may be much to be said for the views expressed in this passage it seems to me with all respect to Wilson J. that she was stating what she thought the law ought to be rather than what it is .
6 Quite apart from the limitations on law reform in general which such an argument would appear to justify , if the views of the public are of any significance at all in this context , then it must be its view of what the law ought to be rather than what it is .
7 He is er , strongly er , suggesting that we ought to be rather more pro-active than we either are , or than anybody is suggesting that we ought to be in the paper at number seventeen .
8 well I du n no , they ought to be even more now that fighting , er supposedly fighting for business
9 If you devote several years of your life to a subject , you ought to be reasonably sure that you 'll enjoy it .
10 Linguistics ought to be simply the study of language , and if the pragmatic , cognitive and procedural dimensions of language study which have become apparent in recent years mean that linguistics ( as an institution and a discipline ) has to take these dimensions on board , then so be it .
11 We do n't believe that pensioners ought to be forcibly transferred , they should be given the choice .
12 Everyone ought to be up in arms about it . ’
13 ‘ All I know is that we ought to be up in that tower , plannin' how we get back to our own lines , and not wastin' any more time quarrellin' down ‘ ere . ’
14 But a lot of people would say of course that it is of such importance , that we really ought to be up to date with exactly what 's going on , after all this is happening on our behalf .
15 But this is something else again , having socialist ideas is one thing , betraying your country another , people who do that have no rights at all , that 's my opinion , they ought to be just put up against a wall and shot .
16 For this reason one might expect there to be no large change in surface energy between liquid and solid glass so that surface tension and therefore surface energy , measured quite easily on molten glass , ought to be approximately applicable to the same glass when hardened .
17 Nevertheless there is little doubt that in the cases of Frederick and Joseph at least a feeling that an enlightened ruler ought to be above merely personal and family considerations , that it was his duty to sacrifice them ruthlessly on the altar of the State , was a factor in their behaviour to their own blood relations .
18 You might think that , that 's a book that social scientists ought to be primarily interested in .
19 On the other hand , it may be urged that self-help ought to be strictly limited even against a wrongdoer and forbidden altogether against one who is not a wrongdoer , except that retaking might be permitted in circumstances of inevitable accident or of necessity ( e.g .
20 This had been quite difficult and the Gnomes had scratched their heads a good deal , because , although people did not openly refer to it , everyone knew that Flame 's father was Fael-Inis and it had meant a lot of worrisome discussions as to whether this fact ought to be openly acknowledged , or whether it might be discourteous to draw attention to it .
21 This seems to suggest that the policy of the 1974 Act is the recognition that there is a need for industrial waste to be disposed of , and the companies doing so are providing a much needed service , but such operations ought to be closely controlled to ensure that any interference on the surrounding locality is minimal .
22 ‘ You ought to be where I am .
23 ‘ The best referees ought to be here , but some of them are not because the SRA is cutting back on everything , ’ said Davies .
24 Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought of her first-born , of how he ought to be here , a part of the family circle .
25 Blackberry ought to be here soon . "
26 She ought to be here . ’
27 I have no right and you have been very generous , Fred , Uncle Steve and the boys and Gertie ca n't understand why you did n't come here with us , Gert only said this morning that you ought to be here , your place is with us , but do n't think I am not grateful .
28 She ought to be here . ’
29 We would have expected them at the beginning , and as we are still at the beginning , they ought to be here .
30 Recorder Louis Lawton told him : ‘ You ought to be bitterly ashamed of yourself .
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