Example sentences of "techniques [that] [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 The most infuriating charge was that the health service was different from business and therefore did not need the benefit of the techniques that had been developed in business and industry .
2 It was argued that , using the right data-collection techniques , it should be possible to assemble information about the social world that is free of bias , and that could be analysed using the statistical techniques that had been developed .
3 Since they involve the same Ernst equation , it is clear that all the solution generating techniques that have been developed for stationary axisymmetric space-times in recent years can also be applied to colliding plane wave situations .
4 There is , however , always the problem of knowing whether the fault in the mediation process lies in the validity of the principle or in the particular techniques that have been used to operationalize it .
5 Chapter 4 briefly reviewed various management techniques that have been tried and then abandoned by government .
6 We have decided to keep away from a theoretical treatment in this chapter and simply to give you well-tried practical techniques that have been found to work .
7 These facilities make VSAM more similar to database software than most of the file organization techniques that have been examined so far — in fact , many of the database systems available for mini- and micro-computers provide only this multiple index facility .
8 The grading curriculum consists of only the basic techniques that have been learned so far .
9 But modern DNA replication is a high-technology affair , with elaborate proofreading techniques that have been perfected over many generations of cumulative selection .
10 The methods used are similar to the statistical techniques that have been arrived at independently in this project .
11 There are three techniques that have been used to control money supply .
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