Example sentences of "surely [noun prp] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Surely Faye had already been through enough !
2 Surely Lee had n't let him get loose .
3 Surely Dysart had never suggested he might do such a thing ?
4 Oh , no , she prayed silently , surely Peter had n't blithely handed over one of the family heirlooms ?
5 Surely Steve had n't done a runner ?
6 Surely Tracey had n't given her away ?
7 He considered that Liza was behaving disgracefully , maintained that Harriet was encouraging her daughter in what he called ‘ selfish laziness ’ and that , sorry as he was about the death of John Carrow , surely Harriet had not long lost her own husband and it was up to Liza to give her more support .
8 What had the woman meant about ‘ the girls ’ — surely Luke had n't brought more than one of his conquests here together ?
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