Example sentences of "kept [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , the Church and other religious organisations uphold the traditional principle that Sunday should be kept as a day apart , for religious observance and for rest ; they receive support from trade unions and others who fear that those who work in shops may , if Sunday trading is permitted , find themselves under pressure to work on Sunday against their will .
2 These stores had been kept as a contingency against another Soviet blockade of the city like that of 1948-49 , but reunification had rendered them obsolete .
3 During World War II the Fielding engine powered a 90 KVA generator and in later years was kept as a standby in case of power failure .
4 Item No 5 : it is extremely difficult to date these religious medallions , struck to be blessed by a priest and kept as a talisman .
5 This would be kept as a record .
6 The annotated drawing can then be kept as a record of the child 's ideas , and it can form a useful part of teacher assessment .
7 These will probably be things that they would have kept as a matter of course in their store cupboard in earlier days , but have gradually dropped off their shopping list as they grew older and only had themselves to cook for ; so there is no question of giving them new ideas — only trying to revive old ones , which may tempt them to prepare more varied and nourishing meals to achieve a balanced diet .
8 There should be a law that states that no wild-caught animal should be kept as a pet .
9 A cat is a carnivore and if it is to be kept as a pet it must be given a carnivorous diet .
10 Years later he found a diary he had kept as a schoolboy in 1940 , two years before I became really aware of him , and he gave it to me .
11 Ampullaria were once known as Infusoria Snails , and kept as a source of fry food .
12 He said part of it should be kept as a monument .
13 Over all the years , including these nineteen , some bonds were given to the club but the majority were bequeathed to individuals , either to be kept as an investment out of family sentiment , or possibly sold quietly to Club members , selected as previously described .
14 It also prevents discoloration of icing by the cake if it is to be kept for a while .
15 Clothes are kept for a month ( do n't claim them and they go to local charities ) so the stock always changes .
16 Some fromage frais and quark have a longer shelf life and may be kept for a week or ten days after purchase .
17 Mice are kept under a variety of conditions .
18 The key , here , was not kept under a flowerpot or stone but in a more foolproof and elaborate hiding-place .
19 We 'd been certain that Frank had been kept with a Frenchman in the apartment we 'd been in from February to early May .
20 It is not generally recommended that anything else is kept with a Red-tail , as they can be very territorial and aggressive .
21 Shares will be electronically transferred from the sellers account to the new investor 's account , accounts being kept with an account controller , probably a broker or bank .
22 Colchester dominated net play but Nomads still kept within a couple of points .
23 Jackson sat there like an important man who was being kept from an engagement by a nuisance .
24 This is called a data-bank system and a good example is the pupil record system which is kept in a secretary 's office .
25 The back numbers of The Times newspaper were kept in a basement , under Radcliffe Square .
26 The newly born goats were kept in a pen under her bed .
27 That lock of her hair he had , kept in a pill box — why did he return it ?
28 Aunt Margaret was as fragile as the first white shoots put trembling out by a bulb kept in a pot in a dark airing-cupboard .
29 In many cases , they were kept in a container with ageing brown British Palestinian passports , the last used page of which registered their owner 's final departure into exile .
30 Well unfortunately er it was the practice of shipyards for a long number of years , er to have maybe two or three squads of riveters that were kept in a yard on a sort of permanent basis , but you would invariably find that most of the squads would be sacked when the boat was launched , and taken back on again as they were needed .
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