Example sentences of "to show that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where Newco and management are connected under s839(7) , the managers need to show that no benefit has been conferred on them indirectly by virtue of Newco 's acquisition of Target , and accordingly the managers need to be able to demonstrate that the price paid by Newco for Target constitutes market value .
2 It is easy to show that no algorithm that always prefers one source to another can be adequate .
3 The anthropologists ' work of reconstruction carries with it a major temptation , which is to try to show that every part of an exotic culture is coherent and consistent with all the other parts .
4 In some cases evidence may be admitted to show that a word is used in a technical or local meaning .
5 It is simple enough for him to show that a boxing match takes place within a general totality of ‘ boxing ’ , which is itself only ever present in any individual incarnation , for as a game each match is both an individual bout and something conducted according to general rules and a specific social tradition .
6 It appears to show that a rise in interest rates of 1% would result in a fall in investment by 1.3% after four months , and 2.8% after twelve months .
7 Er on density we have ourselves done some er survey work to show that a density of about forty three persons per hectare is about right .
8 These are practical limits on the beneficiary 's powers , for , although it will not usually be difficult to determine whether a real price was paid , it will regularly be very hard for a beneficiary to show that a buyer did know of the existence of a trust ; and unless this can be shown , no action lies .
9 I do not know of any Hellenistic evidence to show that a Gentile became a Jew or a sympathizer because he had read the Bible .
10 A gratuitous transfer of property into the joint names of himself and another will be presumed to be made upon trust for the person transferring , unless there is something to show that a benefit to the transferee was intended ; such intention will be presumed where the transfer is made by a father to his child .
11 It will be noticed that the normal justification thesis identifies the case that must normally be established to show that a person has authority .
12 Again , the provisions broadly only apply to acts in the UK and it is a defence to show that a person reasonably believed that his act or conduct would not create and impression that was false or misleading .
13 The race was designed to show that a bicycle is not only cheap , healthy and friendly on the environment , but also quick .
14 ‘ Particulars of Offence : [ The respondent ] on 17 September 1990 dishonestly and with a view to gain for himself or another , or with intent to cause loss to another , falsified a document required for an accounting purpose , namely , a computer generated sales invoice , by making an entry therein which was or may have been misleading , false or deceptive in a material particular in that it purported to show that a discount of 70 per cent .
15 The shareholders enjoy an additional layer of protection with regard to gratuitous payments , in that in order to show that a payment is authorised by the company 's memorandum it will usually be necessary to establish that it is reasonably incidental to the company 's business purposes , in essence , that it is for the company 's benefit , which is an objective question .
16 In order to show that a landlord is precluded from exercising his right to call for a rent review , the tenant must show that the lease or the rent review clause has been abrogated by mutual consent or that the landlord 's conduct has been such that he is estopped from exercising his right to a rent review ( Amherst v Walker ( James ) Goldsmith & Silversmith Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 All ER 1067 ) .
17 Of course , it is not enough to show that a gradient of some kind exists : for example , that a frog 's egg is darker at one end than at the other .
18 Working with a series of transparent resin models in polarized light , Marsh was able to show that a step was just as bad a stress concentrator as the equivalent crack , in fact it might be regarded as half a crack .
19 In this typical example of scientific doublespeak , the burden of proof is , as usual , thrown on to conservationists to show that a fishing technique has an unacceptable effect , rather than on the fishing nations to show that the method is ecologically sound .
20 If context affects the recognition point of a word , as this result suggests , then it should be possible to show that a context which makes a word very predictable will have a greater effect on fluent restorations than a context which makes a word only fairly predictable .
21 What he did was to show that a belief which seems only common sense is in fact false .
22 Where the record is produced simply to show that a statement was made , not whether it is true .
23 It is not enough to show that a screening test detects disease early , or even that it will probably save some lives .
24 There is experimental work to show that a week or ten days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period .
25 May we try by our own example to show that a world of peace and compassion can be more than just a hopeful dream .
26 I am not claiming that meat is indispensable for good health ; it is only necessary to show that a diet to which it contributes can be no less healthy than one from which it is excluded .
27 At the same time , many Democrats on the Hill very much want to show that a president of their party will deal with China in a different way from Mr Bush .
28 Considerable evidence , however , is provided by Bell to show that a shift in the US occupational structure — from blue-to white-collar work — has taken place in the post-war period .
29 Bacchus song loves Bacchus and Bacchus loves songs , says Milton , and he gives us a whole stream of classical precedents , Ovid , Anacreon , Pinder , the whole lot to show that a poet naturally will love the good life .
30 I have tried to identify biochemical , morphological and physiological changes occurring in specific regions of the chick brain in the minutes to hours following training on a simple task , to show that the changes are not the results of other aspects of training than memory , to show that blocking the changes prevents the memory , and vice versa , and , finally , to examine the consequences of removing the brain sites of change , either before or after the chick has been trained .
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