Example sentences of "impossible for them [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Linfield 's search extends throughout the British Isles and the League of Ireland but until the championship is completed it will be impossible for them to open negotiations with certain players .
2 Women 's Cooperative Guild members also contrasted them unfavourably with their own more democratic Guild meetings , deploring the way in which ‘ ladies came and lectured on the domestic affairs in the workers ’ homes that it was impossible for them to understand' .
3 This , however , makes it impossible for them to feed during the larval stage , as free-swimming tadpoles can do , so they have to nourish themselves with specially large quantities of yolk .
4 It does n't necessarily mean that they 're unscrupulous in the way that they get their own way ; they just have very clear ideas and it 's impossible for them to see it any other way . ’
5 Their emphasis on the absolute centrality of heterosexual experience made it impossible for them to see that purity feminism had anything to offer , with its emphasis on celibacy , and its view of sex as male-defined , vicious and depraved .
6 The class must consist of persons whose rights are not so dissimilar as to make it impossible for them to consult together with a view to their common interest ( Sovereign Life Assurance Co v Dunn [ 1892 ] 2 QB 573 ) .
7 The nature of the Premier League club chairmen , most of whom are highly successful businsessmen , not without confidence in their own judgement , makes it almost impossible for them to give others carte blanche .
8 Bankers retaliate by pointing out that accountants ' advice is invariably based on historic record rather than future possibility , and that it is impossible for them to give impartial advice if they have been auditing their clients ' books over the past years .
9 The Americans found that the deepening Cold War made it impossible for them to give equal priority to all their objectives .
10 In many areas it is simply impossible for them to go out and win a big share in an intensely competitive market without the Government 's explicit support and cooperation .
11 It can also in effect make it impossible for them to participate in the community and thus deprives them of an important aspect of citizenship .
12 The work being too demanding and impossible for them to cope with or so undemanding that they under achieve becoming bored or disaffected .
13 In her study of young Asian men and women who were unemployed , Brah notes that sons with widowed mothers felt under particular pressure to support them financially and practically , and when unemployment made it impossible for them to do so they felt ‘ an acute sense of failure ’ as one of her interviewees put it ,
14 We also recognise that there is a tremendous problem for deferred pensioners in achieving reasonable transfer values er er er it 's a massive problem for them , even where they could find perhaps something to do with that money and a scheme that would do them better , not always , because there , there are people that give bad advice , but there are some that go into it very thoroughly and when it comes down to the bit the transfer value they receive makes it im practically impossible for them to do it .
15 And this was their undoing because the surfaces of the branches had earlier been covered with lime to make it impossible for them to take flight again — ever again .
16 Although the story of Croton 's lost Helen admitted that no single girl of the southern peninsula in those days was entirely beautiful enough , it was still recalled by the attending spectators at the Sunday promenade , by the old men and women no longer in the marriage stakes , by the servants whom custom forbade from parading — as if the cost of new or spruced-up clothes did not make it impossible for them to take part anyway .
17 It has been almost impossible for them to acquire the artistic infrastructure that should surround those works so that they can be seen in the right scholarship context .
18 Only when it became clear that the rules made it impossible for them to shake the landowners ' grip on the zemstvos did interest decline so that the last pre-war zemstvo elections were marked by peasant apathy .
19 It makes it impossible for them to pursue their careers and the average hospital bill that faces them often exceeds $ 100 000 .
20 For him the laws of settlement hardly prevented the " idle poor " from wandering and a stricter enforcement of vagrancy laws would " compel the poor to starve or beg at home ; for there it will be impossible for them to steal or rob without being presently hanged or transported out of the way " .
21 This approach therefore builds a ceiling over the heads of those on low incomes , making it impossible for them to break free .
22 If the mud flats freeze over , it is impossible for them to find sufficient food .
23 Once over-50s lost their jobs it was virtually impossible for them to find other permanent work , and victims of age discrimination faced reduced pension rights and enforced inactivity for the rest of their lives , the report said .
24 It is impossible , in many ways , for somebody who is erm on benefit and living in independent accommodation with a private landlord often it 's impossible for them to get a job and then cover their rent , so they ca n't get a job .
25 On food safety , my hon. Friend will be aware of the crippling effect of veterinary inspection charges on chicken-producing companies such as John Rannoch and Sovereign Chicken in my constituency , which are making it impossible for them to compete with their European counterparts .
26 Apart from women sterilized for contraceptive purposes , 6 per cent of women aged 16–44 claimed it would be difficult or impossible for them to have children .
27 Safety experts say such cars should have their engines regulated to make it impossible for them to travel at speeds far above legal limits .
28 The wash of a passing collier rocked both boats and the enormous reverberation of her wailing hooter filled the air and made it impossible for them to speak .
29 But Britain 's Vice-Consul Harold Jenkins told me : ‘ Sadly it may be quite impossible for them to make positive identifications . ’
30 They need those decision structures because it is impossible for them to know enough to control activities directly .
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